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Guilty Men | "Cato" | GF12-15 | |
Elijah Greenface | Aaron, Moses | GF01-01 | |
Becoming Abigail | Abani, Chris | GF01-03 | |
The Time of the Peacock | Abdullah, Mina & Mathew, Ray | GF01-02 | |
Chatterton | Ackroyd, Peter | GF01-04 | |
Old Lamps for New | Acton, Harold | GF01-05 | |
Unholy Trinity | Adam, Paul | GF01-07 | |
Listening to Billie | Adams, Alice | GF01-08 | |
Families and Survivors | Adams, Alice | GF01-09 | |
Longleg | Adams, Glenda | GF01-10 | |
The Tempest of Clemenza | Adams, Glenda | GF01-11 | |
Dancing on Coral | Adams, Glenda | GF01-12 | |
Bird | Adams, Jane | GF01-13 | |
I'm a Believer | Adams, Jessica | GF01-14 | |
Single, WHite and E-mail | Adams, Jessica | GF01-15 | |
Traveller | Adams, Richard | GF01-16 | |
The Plague Dogs | Adams, Richard | GF01-17 | |
Serpent Dust | Adelaide, Debra | GF01-18 | |
The Hotel Albatross | Adelaide, Debra | GF01-19 | |
Purple Hibiscus | Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi | GF01-20 | |
the time of my life | ahern, cecelia | ||
The Winter Queen | Akunin, Boris | GF01-22 | |
Chicago | Al Aswany, Alae | GF05-06 | |
The Sun Is Silent | Alamuddin, Rimi | GF01-21 | |
The Islands | Alberts, A. | GF01-23 | |
the time keeper | albom, mitch | sold | |
The Spirits of the Ordinary | Alderson, Maggie | GF01-24 | |
Handbag Heaven | Alderson, Maggie | GF01-25 | |
Shoe Money | Alderson, Maggie | GF01-26 | |
Cents and Sensibility | Alderson, Maggie | GF02-01 | |
how to break your own heart | alderson, maggie | ||
the girl from the sea | aldridge, james | ||
Wild Lavender | Alexander, Belinda | GF02-01a | |
White Gardenia | Alexander, Belinda | GF02-02 | |
Body and Soul | Alexander, Goldie | GF02-03 | |
the bark cutters | alexander, nicole | ||
Pictures of Us | Alexander, Todd | GF02-04 | |
The Marriage of the Sea | Alison, Jane | GF02-05 | |
Sudden Moves | Allen, Charlotte Vale | GF02-06 | |
Fresh Air | Allen, Charlotte Vale | GF02-07 | |
The Mountain of Light | Allen, Claire | GF02-09 | |
Saigon, South of Beyond | Allen, Robert | GF02-08 | |
daughter of fortune | allende, isabel | ||
daughter of fortune | allende, isabel | ||
daughter of fortune | allende, isabel | ||
paula | allende, isabel | ||
kingdom of the golden dragon | allende, isabel | ||
forest of the pygmies | allende, isabel | ||
paula | allende, isabel | ||
Portrait in Sepia | Allende, Isobel | GF02-14 | |
Daughter of Fortune | Allende, Isobel | GF02-15 | sold |
Paula | Allende, Isobel | GF02-16 | |
City of the Beasts h/b | Allende, Isobel | GF02-17 | |
City of the Beasts | Allende, Isobel | GF02-18 | |
The Stories of Eva Luna | Allende, Isobel | GF02-19 | |
Zoro | Allende, Isobel | GF02-20 | |
Forest of the Pygmies | Allende, Isobel | GF02-21 | |
Ines of My Soul | Allende, Isobel | GF02-22 | |
Of Love and Shadows | Allende, Isobel | GF02-23 | |
The Infinite Plan | Allende, Isobel | GF03-01 | |
Zarafa | Allin, Michael | GF03-02 | |
Traitor's Purse | Allingham, Margery | GF03-03 | |
The Tiger in the Smoke | Allingham, Margery | GF03-04 | |
Trash | Allison, Dorothy | GF03-05 | |
The Story of Zara | Al-Shaykh, Hanan | GF03-06 | |
Beirut Blues | Al-Shaykh, Hanan | GF03-07 | sold |
Only in London | Al-Shaykh, Hanan | GF03-08 | |
Court of the Lion | Altieri, Daniel & Cooney, Eleanor | GF03-09 | |
home is the sailor | amado, jorge | ||
Gabriela: Clove and Cinnamon | Amedo, Jorge | GF03-10 | |
Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands | Amedo, Jorge | GF03-11 | |
I Pass Like Night | Ames, Jonathan | GF03-12 | |
Success | Amis, Martin | GF03-13 | |
London Fields | Amis, Martin | GF03-14 | |
Einstein's Monsters | Amis, Martin | GF03-15 | |
a golden age | anam, tahmima | ||
Portrait of the Artist's Wife | Anderson, Barbara | GF03-18 | |
All the Nice Girls | Anderson, Barbara | GF03-19 | |
Proud Garments | Anderson, Barbara | GF03-20 | |
At Parramatta | Anderson, Ethel | GF03-21 | |
Tirra Lirra by the River | Anderson, Jessica | GF01-06 | |
One of the Wattle birds | Anderson, Jessica | GF01-06A | |
The Impersonators | Anderson, Jessica | GF03-22 | |
Billarooby | Anderson, Jim | GF03-23 | |
Eye of the Beholder | Anderson, Robyn | GF03-24 | |
Triage | Anderson, Scott | GF03-25 | |
The Egg and Other Stories | Anderson, Sherwood | GF03-26 | |
A REcipe for Bees | Anderson-Dargatz, Gail | GF04-03 | |
Ruby | Andrews, V.C. | GF04-01 | |
the bridge over the drina | andric, ivo | ||
Madam | Angell, Jenny | GF04-04 | |
Snake | Anggraemi, Dewi | GF04-05 | |
The Floating Island | Anne Ralph | GF65-04 | |
Primary Colours | Anon | Top nr door-10 | |
The Bride Stripped Bare | Anonymous | GF04-02 | |
baby of the family | ansa, tina mcelroy | ||
Vinegar Hill | Ansay, A. Manette | GF03-16 | |
Midnight Champagne | Ansay, A. Manette | GF03-17 | |
The Hundred Brothers | Antrim, Donald | GF04-06 | |
Sanctuary | Appignanesi, Lisa | GF04-07 | |
Dreams of Innocence | Appignanesi, Lisa | GF04-08 | |
The Things We Do for Love | Appignanesi, Lisa | GF04-09 | |
A Good Woman | Appignanesi, Lisa | GF04-10 | |
Homing Instinct | Appleyard, Diane | GF04-11 | |
Easter | Arditi, Michael | GF04-12 | |
And Even the Rats Clapped | Arditi, Michael | GF04-13 | |
The Volcano | Armanno, Venero | GF04-14 | |
Firehead | Armanno, Venero | GF04-15 | |
volcano | armanno, venero | ||
The Secret Power of Beauty | Armstrong, John | GF04-16 | |
Bad Manors | Armstrong, Lisa | GF04-17 | |
The Song of the Nightingale | Arnold, Bruce | GF04-18 | |
The Long Firm | Arnott, Jake | GF04-19 | |
Moths to a Flame | Ash, Sarah | GF04-20 | |
Once in a House on Fire | Ashworth, Andrea | GF04-21 | |
A Boat Load of Home Folk | Astley, Thea | GF05-02 | sold |
Coda h/b | Astley, Thea | GF05-03 | |
Coda p/b | Astley, Thea | GF05-04 | sold |
It's Raining in Mango | Astley, Thea | GF05-05 | |
Mr Darcy's Daughters | Aston, Elizabeth | GF05-01 | |
chicago | aswany, alaa | ||
One Good Turn | Atkinson, Kate | GF05-07 | sold |
Human Croquet | Atkinson, Kate | GF05-08 | |
one good turn | atkinson, kate | ||
The Robber Bride h/b | Attwood, Margaret | GF05-09 | |
The Robber Bide p/b | Attwood, Margaret | GF05-10 | |
Oryx and Crake | Attwood, Margaret | GF05-11 | |
the blind assassin | atwood, margaret | ||
the blind assassin | atwood, margaret | ||
Obabrakoak | Atxaga, Bernardo | GF05-12 | |
The Invention of Solitude | Auster, Paul | GF05-13 | |
Oracle Night | Auster, Paul | GF05-14 | |
The Brooklyn Follies | Auster, Paul | GF05-15 | |
Mr Vertigo | Auster, Paul | GF05-16 | |
The New York Trilogy | Auster, Paul | GF05-17 | |
in the country of last things | auster, paul | ||
Seeing George | Austin, Cassandra | GF05-18 | |
Secrets of the Tsil Cafe | Averill, Thomas Fox | GF05-19 | |
The Hiding Place | Azzopardi, Trezza | GF05-20 | |
Lost Geography | Bacon, Charlotte | GF06-01 | |
Other Women | Bacon, Margaret | GF06-02 | |
Tamarind Woman | Badami, Anita Ral | GF06-03 | |
The Secret Purposes | Baddiel, David | GF06-04 | |
The Water People | Badger, Angela | GF06-05 | |
Charlotte Badger, Buccaneer | Badger, Angela | GF06-06 | |
Stallions at Burnt Rock | Bagden, Paul | GF06-07 | |
Holden's Performance | Bail, Murray | GF06-08 | |
Eucalyptus | Bail, Murray | GF06-09 | |
Marlene Dietrich Lived Here | Bailey, Eleanor | GF06-10 | |
Sugar Cane | Bailey, Paul | GF06-11 | |
Gabriel's Lament | Bailey, Paul | GF06-12 | |
Every Man for Himself | Bainbridge, Beryl | GF06-13 | |
The God of Mischief | Bajoria, Paul | GF06-14 | |
The Hidden | Baker, Candida | GF06-16 | |
The Flamingo Rising | Baker, Larry | GF06-15 | |
Vox | Baker, Nicholas | GF06-38 | |
Sooner or Later We All Come Home | Baker, Roz | GF06-17 | |
Sooner or Later We All Stop Everything | Baker, Roz | GF06-18 | |
Sooner or Later We All Get Even | Baker, Roz | GF06-19 | |
Lives of the Monster Dog | Bakis, Kirsten | GF06-20 | |
If Beale Street Could Talk | Baldwin, James | GF06-21 | |
The Fire Next Time | Baldwin, James | GF06-22 | |
Tell Me How Long the Train's Been Gone | Baldwin, James | GF06-23 | |
Just Broke My Head | Baldwin, James | GF06-24 | |
Goose in the Jungle | Baldwin, Monica | GF06-25 | |
Ophelia's Fan | Balint, Christine | GF06-26 | |
Bright is the Earth | Ball, Philip | GF06-27 | |
The L-shaped Room | Banks, Lynne Reid | GF06-29 | |
Two is Lonely | Banks, Lynne Reid | GF06-30 | |
The Backward Shadow | Banks, Lynne Reid | GF06-31 | |
Cloudsplitter | Banks, Russell | GF06-28 | |
Birchwood | Banville, John | GF06-32 | |
Ghosts | Banville, John | GF06-33 | |
The Sea | Banville, John | GF06-34 | |
eclipse | banville, john | ||
Sheila Power | Baranay, Inez | GF06-35 | |
Always Hungry | Baranay, Inez | GF06-36 | |
the saddest pleasure | baranay, inez | ||
Tanamera | Barber, Noel | GF06-36a | |
The daughters of the Prince | Barber, Noel | GF06-36b | |
the elegance of the hedgehog | barbery, muriel | ||
Small Holidays | Barker, Nicola | GF06-37 | |
Border Crossing | Barker, Pat | GF06-40 | |
Another World | Barker, Pat | GF06-41 | |
The Generation Trilogy | Barker, Pat | GF06-42 | |
Life Class | Barker, Pat | GF06-43 | |
Talking It Over | Barnes, Julian | GF06-44 | SOLD |
Flaubert's Parrot | Barnes, Julian | GF06-45 | |
Letters from London | Barnes, Julian | GF06-46 | |
Cuban Heels | Barr, Emily | GF06-47 | |
The Perfect Lie | Barr, Emily | GF07-01 | |
Atlantic Shift | Barr, Emily | GF07-01a | |
Julie Gets a Life | Barratt-Lee, Lynne | GF07-03 | |
Ship Fever | Barrett, Andrea | GF06-39 | |
Damaged Lives | Barrett, Marie | GF07-02 | |
The Tap Dancer | Barrow, Andrew | GF07-04 | |
The Chivalry of Crime | Barry, Desmond | GF07-05 | |
Syrup | Barry, Maxx | GF07-06 | |
The Secret Scriptures | Barry, Sebastian | GF07-07 | |
The Miniaturist | Basu, Kunel | GF07-09 | |
The Further Adventures of Halley's Comet | Batchelor, John Calvin | GF07-10 | |
Divorcing Jack | Bateman, Colin | GF07-11 | |
The Running Man | Bauer, Michel Gerard | GF07-12 | |
Ballerina | Baum, Vicki | GF07-13 | |
The Hospital Ship | Bax, Martin | GF07-14 | |
X20 | Beard, Richard | GF07-15 | |
The Ambulance Chaser | Beasley, Richard | GF07-16 | |
Boxer Beetle | Beauman, Ned | GF07-20 | |
The Landscape of Love | Beauman, Sally | GF07-18 | |
Rebecca's Tale | Beauman, Sally | GF07-19 | |
the landscape of love | beauman, sally | ||
Newton's Niece | Beaven, Derek | GF07-17 | |
Pride and Prescience | Bebris, Carrie | GF07-21 | |
Green Hand | Beckwith, Lilian | GF07-22 | |
autumn | beddoe, noel | ||
Sister Kate | Bedford, Jean | GF07-25 | |
If with a Beating Heart | Bedford, Jean | GF07-26 | |
A Legacy | Bedford, Sybille | GF07-23 | |
The Hills is Lonely | Bedford, Sybille | GF07-24 | |
Zuleika Dobson | Beebohm, Max | GF07-27 | |
A Tuscan Childhood | Beevor, Kinta | GF07-28 | |
Mistler's Exit | Begley, Louis | GF07-29 | |
daughter of the sword | bein, steve | ||
City of Light | Belfer, Lauren | GF07-31 | |
The Poison Principle | Bell, Gail | GF07-33 | |
The Washington Square Ensemble | Bell, Madison Smartt | GF07-32 | |
The Missing Piece | Bello, Antonio | GF07-34 | |
Hotel Splendide | Bemelmans, Ludwig | GF07-35 | |
The Girl of the Sea of Cortez | Benchley, Peter | GF07-36 | |
Making Enemies | Bennett, Francis | GF07-37 | |
Havoc in Its Third Year | Bennett, Ronan | GF07-38 | |
The Catastrophist | Bennett, Ronan | GF07-39 | |
What Falls Away | Bennett, Tegan | GF07-40 | |
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil | Berendt, John | GF07-41 | |
The Pull of the Moon | Berg, Elizabeth | GF07-42 | |
Open House | Berg, Elizabeth | GF07-43 | |
Never Change | Berg, Elizabeth | GF07-44 | |
True to Form | Berg, Elizabeth | GF07-45 | |
The Windows on the World | Bergbeder, Frederic | GF07-30 | |
See the Child | Bergen, David | GF07-46 | |
A Painter of Our Time | Berger, John | GF08-01 | |
Reinhart's Women | Berger, Thomas | GF08-02 | |
Conspirators | Bernstein, Michael Andre | Top nr door-23 | |
Borrowed Eyes | Beudel, Saskia | GF08-06 | |
Seahorses | Bidishi | GF08-08 | |
The Business | Bingham, Charlotte | GF08-07 | |
On th Eve of Uncertain Tomorrows | Bissoondath, Neil | GF08-09 | |
The Book of Colour | Blackburn, Julie | GF08-10 | |
Candelo | Blain, Georgia | GF08-11 | |
Closed for Winter | Blain, Georgia | GF08-12 | |
Names for Nothingness | Blain, Georgia | GF08-13 | |
the summer of naked swim parties | blau, jessica anya | ||
The Rock Child | Blevins, Win | GF08-14 | |
Charco Harbour | Blundon, Geoffrey | GF08-15 | |
The Ash Garden | Bock, Dennis | GF08-16 | |
A Period of Adjustment | Bogarde, Dirk | GF08-17 | |
Voices in the Garden | Bogarde, Dirk | GF08-18 | |
Spanish Fever | Bogner, Norman | GF08-19 | |
Carole King Is an Alien | Boland, Yasmin | GF08-20 | |
Robbery under Arms | Boldrewood, Rolf | GF08-21 | |
Father's Music | Bolger, Dermot | GF08-22 | |
The Killer's Tears | Bondoux, Anne-Laure | GF08-23 | |
All the Tea in China | Bonfiglioli, Kyril | GF08-24 | |
The Nubian Prince | Bonilla, Juan | GF08-25 | |
Fire in Heaven | Bosse, Malcolm | GF08-26 | |
French Letters | Bouchet, Bruno | GF08-27 | |
The Girls | Bouchet, Bruno | GF08-28 | |
The Beauty of Truth | Bouchet, Bruno | GF08-29 | |
The Miracle-worker | Boullosa, Carmen | GF08-30 | |
A Stranger Here | Bouras, Gillian | GF08-31 | |
And Bay the Moon | Bourne, Peter | GF08-32 | |
Visible Worlds | Bowering, Marilyn | GF08-33 | |
Outbreak of Love | Boyd, Martin | GF08-34 | |
When Blackbirds Sing | Boyd, Martin | GF08-35 | |
A Difficult Young Man | Boyd, Martin | GF08-36 | |
Brazzaville Beach | Boyd, William | GF08-37 | |
The Blue Afternoon | Boyd, William | GF08-38 | |
Armadillo | Boyd, William | GF08-39 | |
waiting for sunrise | boyd, william | ||
Riven Rock | Boyle, T. Coraghessan | GF08-40 | |
The Tortilla Curtain | Boyle, T. Coraghessan | GF08-41 | |
World's End | Boyle, T. Coraghessan | GF08-42 | |
Mutiny on the Bounty | Boyne, John | GF08-43 | |
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas | Boyne, John | GF08-44 | |
The Conclave | Bracewell, Michael | GF08-45 | |
The Naked Island | Braddon, R. | GF08-48 | |
Wrack | Bradley, James | GF08-49 | |
Dr Sweet and His Daughter | Bradshaw, Peter | GF09-01 | |
The Maid of Buttermere | Bragg, Melvyn | GF09-02 | |
Life at the Top | Braine, John | GF09-04 | |
The Jealous God | Braine, John | GF09-05 | |
Paid Servant | Braithwaite, E.R. | GF09-03 | |
Lovesick | Brampton, Sally | GF09-06 | |
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants | Brashares, Ann | GF09-07 | |
Second Summer of the Sisterhood | Brashares, Ann | GF09-08 | |
Girls in Pants, Third Summer of the Sisterhood | Brashares, Ann | GF09-09 | |
Forever in the Blue, Fourth Summer of the Sisterhood | Brashares, Ann | GF09-10 | |
the sisterhood of the travelling pants | brashares, ann | ||
the second summer of the sisterhood | brashares, ann | ||
qwilleran's short and tall tales | braun, lilian jackson | ||
The Springs of Affection | Brennan, Maeve | GF09-11 | |
In Full View | Brett, Lily | GF09-12 | |
too many men | brett, lily | ||
A Crack in Forever | Brewer, Jeannie | GF09-13 | |
The Prelude | Bright, Stephen | GF09-14 | |
Cry Freedom | Briley, John | GF09-15 | |
Making Love | Brill, Marius | GF09-16 | |
The Tasmanian Babes Fiasco | Brimingham, John | GF08-07a | |
An Instant in the Wind | Brink, André | GF09-17 | |
Rumours of Rain | Brink, André | GF09-18 | |
Account Rendered | Brittain, Vera | GF09-18a | |
Transmitters | Broderick, Damien | GF09-19 | |
The Rains Came | Bromfield, Louis | GF09-20 | |
The Nudist on the Late Shift | Bronson, Po | GF09-21 | |
Life Begins | Brookfield, Amanda | GF09-22 | |
A Family Romance | Brookner, Anita | GF09-23 | |
Lewis Percy | Brookner, Anita | GF09-24 | |
Falling Slowly | Brookner, Anita | GF09-25 | |
Brief Lives | Brookner, Anita | GF09-26 | |
Altered States | Brookner, Anita | GF09-27 | |
Hotel du Lac | Brookner, Anita | GF09-28 | |
Incidents in the Rue Laugier | Brookner, Anita | GF09-29 | |
Family and Friends | Brookner, Anita | GF09-30 | |
Visitors | Brookner, Anita | GF09-31 | |
Sheep and the Diva | Brooks, David | GF09-32 | |
The Legend of the Miollnir Hound | Brooks, Ernest | GF09-33 | |
People of the Book | Brooks, Geraldine | GF09-34 | |
People of the Book | brooks, geraldine | ||
people of thebook | brooks, geraldine | ||
Marriage Acts | Brooksbank, Anne | GF09-35 | |
Mother's Day | Brooksbank, Anne | GF09-36 | |
Blue Dog, Green River | Brower, Brock | GF09-37 | |
Rose's Garden | Brown, Carrie | GF09-38 | |
Angels and Demons | Brown, Dan | Top nr door-01 | |
Angels and Demons | Brown, Dan | Top nr door-02 | |
The Da Vinci Code | Brown, Dan | Top nr door-03 | |
Deception Point | Brown, Dan | Top nr door-04 | |
The Lost Symbol | Brown, Dan | Top nr door-11 | |
Digital Fortress | Brown, Dan | GF10-01 | sold |
Deception Point | Brown, Dan | GF10-02 | sold |
the davinci code | brown, dan | ||
If the Tongue Fits | Brown, Diane | GF10-03 | |
Decorations in a Ruined Cemetry | Brown, John Gregory | GF10-04 | |
The Wicked Blessed Body of Shelton Lafleur | Brown, John Gregory | GF10-05 | |
Father and Son | Brown, Larry | GF10-06 | sold |
Smallcreep's Day | Brown, Peter C. | GF10-07 | |
High Hearts | Brown, Rita Mae | GF10-08 | |
In Her Day | Brown, Rita Mae | GF10-09 | |
White Hot | Brown, Sandra | GF10-10 | |
The Finishing Touches | Browne, Hester | GF10-11 | |
The Wooden Leg of Inspector Anders | Browne, Marshall | GF10-12 | |
The Eye of the Abyss | Browne, Marshall | GF10-13 | |
The Trumpeting Angel | Browne, Marshall | GF10-14 | |
Freedom and Necessity | Brust, Steven & Bull, Emma | GF10-15 | |
Against Her Nature | Buchan, Elizabeth | GF10-16 | |
Revenge of the Middle-aged Woman | Buchan, Elizabeth | GF10-17 | |
High Latitudes | Buchan, James | GF10-18 | |
The Doublet Affair | Buckley, Fiona | GF10-19 | |
The Reluctant Prophet | Bunn, T. Davis | GF10-20 | |
Avarice | Burgh, Anita | GF10-21 | |
Father Frank | Burke, Paul | GF10-22 | |
A Good House | Burnard, Bonnie | GF10-23 | |
The Treasures of Montsegur | Burnham, Sophy | GF10-24 | |
No Bones | Burns, Anna | GF10-25 | |
Feeling Restless | Burns, Connie, McNamara, Marygai | GF10-26 | |
Selevision | Burroughs, Augusten | GF10-27 | |
Secrets of the Code | Burstein, Dan | Top nr door-22 | |
Ask Me Tomorrow | Burstow, Stan | GF07-08 | |
The Dandelion Clock | Burt, Guy | GF10-28 | |
Voltaire's Coconuts | Buruma, Ian | GF10-29 | |
Rescue Missions | Busch, Frederick | GF10-30 | |
Four Blondes | Bushnell, Candace | GF10-31 | |
Sex and the City | Bushnell, Candace | GF10-32 | |
They Whisper | Butler, Robert Olen | GF10-33 | |
The Maze of the Muse | Buttrose, Larry | GF10-34 | |
sweet sentence | buttrose, larry | ||
the virgin in the garden | byatt, a s | sold | |
possession | byatt, a. S | sold | |
Babel Tower | Byatt, A.S. | GF11-01 | sold |
Gang of Four | Byrski, Liz | GF11-02 | |
Pecked to Death by Ducks | Cahill, Tim | GF11-03 | |
The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony | Calasso, Roberto | GF11-04 | |
The Pig Did It | Caldwell, JOseph | GF11-05 | |
Lessons for a Sunday Father | Calman, Claire | GF11-06 | |
A Marked Man | Cambridge, Ada | GF11-07 | |
Andorra | Cameron, Peter | GF11-08 | |
How to Remodel a Man | Cameron, W. Bruce | GF11-09 | |
The Maharajah's Box | Campbell, Christy | GF11-10 | |
Not Being Miriam | Campbell, Marian | GF11-11 | |
Swan | Campbell, Naomi | GF11-12 | |
Holy Smoke | Campion, Anne & Jane | GF11-13 | |
Lachlan's War | Cannon, Michael | GF11-14 | |
Love Takes You Home | Capaldo, Julie | GF11-15 | |
Weather | Capaldo, Julie | GF11-16 | |
the various flavours of coffee | capella, anthony | ||
Apaches | Carcaterra, Lorenzo | GF11-17 | |
The Borrowed Girl | Carey, Gabrielle | GF11-18 | |
Illywhacker | Carey, Peter | Top nr door-24 | sold |
My Life As a Fake | Carey, Peter | GF11-19 | sold |
His Illegal Self | Carey, Peter | GF11-20 | |
The True History of the Kelly Gang | Carey, Peter | GF11-21 | |
Jack Meggs | Carey, Peter | GF11-22 | |
Illywhacker | Carey, Peter | GF11-23 | |
the chemistry of tears | carey, peter | ||
true history of the kelly gang | carey, peter | ||
Wee Wifie | Carey, Rosa N. | GF11-24 | |
looking for cassandra jane | carlson, melody | ||
Eye Killers | Carr, A.A. | GF11-25 | |
Emily | Carr, Irene | GF11-26 | |
Man, the Unknown | Carrel, Alexis | GF11-27 | |
The Better Woman | Carroll, Ber | GF11-28 | |
An American Requiem | Carroll, James | GF11-29 | |
The Italian Romance | Carroll, Joanne | GF11-30 | |
The Love Story of Lucy McBride | Carroll, Steven | GF11-31 | |
the art of the engine driver | carroll, steven | ||
The Passion of New Eve | Carter, Angela | GF12-01 | |
Love | Carter, Angela | GF12-02 | |
Living Forever | Carter, J. Edwin | GF12-03 | |
Bury the Dead | Carter, Peter | GF12-04 | |
Hale and Hardy | Carter, Peter | GF12-05 | |
Prints in the Valley | Carter, Robert | GF12-06 | |
The Giants' Dance | Carter, Robert | GF12-07 | |
Half in Love | Cartwright, Justin | GF12-08 | |
Blood Junction | Carver, Caroline | GF12-09 | |
The Sensualist | Casella, Antonio | GF12-10 | |
Double Wolf | Castro, Brian | GF12-11 | |
Stepper | Castro, Brian | GF12-12 | |
Only the Heart | Caswell & Chiem | GF12-13 | |
O Pioneers | Cather, Willa | GF12-14 | |
All the Rivers Run | Cato, Nancy | GF12-16 | |
Forefathers | Cato, Nancy | GF12-17 | |
Marigold | Cato, Nancy | GF12-17a | |
Brown sugar | Cato, Nancy | GF12-17b | |
Those Golden Years | Catts, Dorothy M. | GF12-18 | |
Gardens from the Sand | Cavicchio, Dan | GF12-19 | |
Tipping the Scales | Cecil, Henry | GF12-20 | |
Brothers in Law | Cecil, Henry | GF12-21 | |
Cosette | Céresa, François | GF12-22 | |
The Pirate's Daughter | Cezair-Thompson, Margaret | GF12-23 | |
Summerland | Chabon, Michael | GF12-24 | |
The Last Time I Saw Mother | Chai, Arlene | GF12-25 | |
Eating Fire and Drinking Water | Chai, Arlene | GF12-26 | |
Goddess Rock | Chai, Arlene | GF12-27 | |
Black Hearts | Chai, Arlene | GF12-28 | |
Roustabout | Chalfoun, Michelle | GF12-29 | |
Kitty | Challinor, Deborah | GF12-30 | |
Union Belle | Challinor, Deborah | GF12-31 | |
jumping to conclusions | challis, sarah | ||
footprints in the sand | challis, sarah | ||
Postcards from No Man's Land | Chambers, Aidan | GF12-32 | |
Divas | Chance, Rebecca | ||
The Painted Cage | Chand, Meira | GF13-03 | |
Red Earth and Pouring Rain | Chandra, Vikram | GF13-01 | |
Sacred Games | Chandra, Vikram | GF13-02 | |
All the Green Year | Charlwood, Don | GF13-04 | |
The Hottest Day of the Year | Charry, Brinda | GF13-05 | |
The Devil Called Love | Chater, Lynda | GF13-06 | |
On the Bleak Hill | Chatwin, Bruce | GF13-07 | |
The Songlines | Chatwin, Bruce | GF13-08 | |
What Am I Doing Here? | Chatwin, Bruce | GF13-09 | |
A New World | Chaudhuri, Amit | GF13-10 | |
Adios Muchachos | Chavarria, Daniel | GF13-11 | |
Aunt Margaret's Lover | Cheek, Mavis | GF13-12 | |
The Sex Life of My Aunt | Cheek, Mavis | GF13-13 | |
Burning Bright | Chevalier, Tracy | GF13-14 | SOLD |
The Virgin Blue | Chevalier, Tracy | GF13-15 | SOLD |
The Lady and the Unicorn | Chevalier, Tracy | GF13-16 | SOLD |
Clochemerle | Chevallier, Gabriel | GF13-17 | |
He Walked in Her Sleep | Cheyney, Peter | GF13-18 | |
Dance Without Music | Cheyney, Peter | GF13-19 | |
The Transformation | Chidgey, Catherine | GF13-20 | |
In a Fishbone Church | Chidgey, Catherine | GF13-21 | |
Vanity Case | Chirnside, Douglas | GF13-22 | |
Look Who's Morphing | Cho, Tom | GF13-23 | |
The Concubine's Children | Chong, Denise | GF13-24 | |
The Jade Peony | Chong, Wayson | GF13-25 | |
herman | christensen, lars saabye | ||
The Troubled Eyes of Women | Christesen, C.B.q | GF13-26 | |
Franklin Flyer | Christopher, Nicholas | GF13-27 | |
Breaking Glass | Clanchy, John | GF13-28 | |
rebel girl | clancy, ann | ||
wild colonial girl | clancy, ann | ||
The Wildlife Reserve | Clancy, Laurie | GF13-29 | |
The Carved Cartoon | Clare, Austin | GF13-30 | |
When Angels Cry | Clark, Barry Scott | GF13-31 | |
The Constant Eye | Clark, Candida | GF13-32 | |
River Cross My Heart | Clarke, Breena | GF13-33 | |
The Chymical Wedding | Clarke, Lindsay | GF13-34 | |
Alice's Masque | Clarke, Lindsay | GF13-35 | |
the chymical wedding | clarke, lindsay | ||
The Running of the Deer | Clarkson, Ewan | GF13-36 | |
Taipan | Clavell, James | GF13-37 | |
what happens next | clayton, colleen | ||
What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day | Cleage, Pearl | GF13-38 | |
North from Thursday | Cleary, John | GF14-01 | |
Mask of the Andes | Cleary, John | GF14-02 | |
A Flight of Chariots | Cleary, John | GF14-03 | |
Remember Jack Hoxie | Cleary, John | GF14-04 | |
Autumn Maze | Cleary, John | GF14-05 | |
Pride's Harvest | Cleary, John | GF14-06 | |
Miss Ambar Regrets | Cleary, John | GF14-07 | |
The Other Hand | Cleave, Chris | GF14-08 | |
Theo's Odyssey | Clément, Catherine | GF14-09 | |
The Great Ideas | Clemunshaw, Suzanne | GF14-10 | |
Tiger's Eye | Clendinnen, Inga | GF14-11 | |
No Telephone to Heaven | Cliff, Michelle | GF14-12 | |
Free Enterprise | Cliff, Michelle | GF14-13 | |
high valley | clift and johnston | ||
Mermaid Singing | Clift, Charmian | GF14-14 | |
Being Alone with Oneself | Clift, Charmian | GF14-15 | |
A State of Symmetry | Clingman, Paul | GF14-16 | |
Dando and the Summer Palace | Clive, William | GF14-17 | |
With Hooves of Brass | Close, Robert S. | GF14-18 | |
Escape Routes for Beginners | Cochrane, Kira | GF14-19 | |
the rain before it falls | coe, jonathon | ||
the winner stands alone | Coelho, Paulo | GF14-19a | |
The Alchemist | Coelho, Paulo | ||
Confessions of a pilgrim | Coelho, Paulo | ||
The witch of Portobello | Coelho, Paulo | ||
By the river Piedra, I sat down and wept | Coelho, Paulo | ||
The Valkyries | Coelho, Paulo | ||
Manual of the warrior of light | Coelho, Paulo | sold | |
the alchemist | coelho, paulo | ||
the devil and miss pryma | coelho, paulo | ||
the winner stands alone | coelho, paulo | ||
elizabeth costello | coetzee, j.m | ||
Deidre Kincaid | Colleen Klein | GF14-19b | |
The Trout Opera | Condon, Matthew | Top nr door-25 | |
Dinner of Herbs | Cookson, Catherine | GF14-19c | |
The Potato Factory | Courtenay, Bruce | Top nr door-21 | |
Matthew Flinders' Cat | Courtenay, Bryce | Top nr door-12 | |
Matthew Flinders' Cat | Courtenay, Bryce | Top nr door-13 | SOLD |
Fishing for Stars | Courtenay, Bryce | Top nr door-14 | |
Whitethorn | Courtenay, Bryce | Top nr door-15 | |
Brother Fish | Courtenay, Bryce | Top nr door-16 | |
The Power of One | Courtenay, Bryce | Top nr door-17 | |
Sylvia | Courtenay, Bryce | Top nr door-18 | |
The Persimmon Tree | Courtenay, Bryce | Top nr door-19 | |
The Potato Factory | Courtenay, Bryce | Top nr door-20 | |
tandia | courtenay, bryce | x2 | |
fishing for stars | courtenay, bryce | ||
jessica | courtenay, bryce | ||
aprils fools day | courtenay, bryce | ||
Whitethorn P/B | Courtenay, Bryce | ||
the australian trilogy | courtenay, bryce | ||
jessica | courtenay, bryce | ||
four fires | courtenay, bryce | ||
Act of Grace | Coyle, William | Top nr door-05 | |
the passage | cronin, justin | ||
the passage | cronin, justin | ||
the light horseman's daughter | crookes, david | ||
Disappearance | Dabydeen, David | GF17-01 | |
Feeding the Ghosts | D'Aguiar, Fred | GF17-02 | |
The Persian Pickle Club | Dallas, Sandra | GF17-03 | |
Turtle Beach | D'Alpuget, Blanche | GF17-04 | |
A Handful of Pebbles | Dalrymple, J. | GF17-05 | |
Nervous Conditions | Dangarembga, Tsitsi | GF17-06 | |
The Puma's Story | Daniel, A.B. | GF17-07 | |
The Light of Macchu Picchu | Daniel, A.B. | GF17-08 | |
The Memory Cathedral | Dann, Jack | GF17-09 | |
The Farming of Bones | Danticat, Edwidge | GF17-10 | |
The Dew Breaker | Danticat, Edwidge | GF17-11 | |
The Naked Husband | D'Arbenville, Mark | GF17-12 | |
spinning out | darcas, christine | ||
the troika dolls | darling, miranda | ||
Pig Tales | Darrieussecq, Marie | GF17-13 | |
A Brief Stay with the Living | Darrieussecq, Marie | GF17-14 | |
Beaches | Dart, Iris Rainer | GF17-15 | |
The Hand That Signed the Paper | Darville, Helen | GF17-16 | |
Tatlin | Davenport, Guy | GF17-17 | |
East Side, West Side | Davenport, Marcia | GF17-18 | |
The Valley of Decision | Davenport, Marcia | GF17-19 | |
The Painter | Davenport, Will | GF17-20 | |
A Long Way to Shiloh | Davidson, Lionel | GF17-21 | |
The Frog King, a Love Story | Davies, Adam | GF17-22 | |
B. Monkey | Davies, Andrew | GF17-23 | |
Isabelle, the Navigator | Davies, Andrew | GF17-24 | |
God of Speed | Davies, Andrew | GF17-25 | |
The Conjuror's Bird | Davies, Martin | GF17-26 | |
World of Wonders | Davies, Robertson | GF17-27 | |
The Cornish Trilogy | Davies, Robertson | GF17-28 | |
Four Dreams and Emily | Davies, Stevie | GF17-29 | |
The Dinner | Davis, Anne | GF17-30 | |
The Girl Who Trod on a Loaf | Davis, Kathryn | GF17-31 | |
So Much for My Happy Ending | Davis, Kyra | GF17-32 | |
The Silver Pigs | Davis, Lindsey | GF17-33 | |
Thomas Gray | Davis, Philip J. | GF17-34 | |
Soundings | Davison, Liam | GF17-34a | |
Trick of the Light | Dawson, Jill | GF17-35 | |
Lambs of God | Day, Marelle | GF17-36 | |
Safety | Daylight, Tegan Bennett | GF17-37 | |
The War of Don Emanuel's Nether Parts | De Berniere, Louis | GF08-03 | |
Red Dog | De Berniere, Louis | GF08-04 | |
Captain Corelli's Mandolin | De Berniere, Louis | GF08-05 | |
The Point of Return | Deb, Siddhartha | GF17-38 | |
In the Casa Azul | Delahunt, Meaghan | GF17-39 | |
A Stranger in Their Midst | Delaney, Frank | GF17-40 | |
Three Score Years and Ten | Delderfield, R.F. | GF17-41 | |
A Horseman Riding By | Delderfield, R.F. | GF18-01 | |
God Is an Englishman | Delderfield, R.F. | GF18-02 | |
To Serve Them All My Days | Delderfield, R.F. | GF18-03 | |
Neon Pilgrim | Dempster, Lisa | GF18-04 | |
Dead Alive | Demski, Eva | GF18-05 | |
Fiddlers Bridge | Denton, Kit | GF18-06 | |
Cleat Light of Day | Desai, Anita | GF18-07 | |
The Maid's Request | Desbordes, Michele | GF18-08 | |
A Blade of Grass | DeSoto, Lewis | GF18-09 | |
Night Letters | Dessaix, Robert | GF18-10 | sold |
Mallawindy | Dettman, Joy | GF18-11 | |
one Sunday | dettman, joy | ||
pearl in a cage | dettman, joy | ||
thorn on the rose | dettman, joy | ||
Green Wars | D'Ettut | GF18-12 | |
Three Wise Men | Devlin, Marhna | GF18-13 | |
Secrets of a Family Album | Dewar, Isla | GF18-14 | |
Getting out of the House | Dewar, Isla | GF18-15 | |
The Last Samurai | DeWitt, Helen | GF18-16 | |
Train | Dexter, Peter | GF18-17 | |
Good Harbour | Diamant, Anita | GF18-18 | |
Wild Orchard | Dick, Isabel | GF18-19 | |
The Memory Palace | Dickason, Christie | GF18-20 | |
The Firemaster's Mistress | Dickason, Christie | GF18-21 | |
Kate and Emma | Dickens, Monica | GF18-22 | |
The Winds of Heaven | Dickens, Monica | GF18-23 | |
The Happy Prisoner | Dickens, Monica | GF18-24 | |
My Turn to Make the Tea | Dickens, Monica | GF18-25 | |
The Landlord's Daughter | Dickens, Monica | GF18-26 | |
Wilderness Men | Dickson, Lovat | GF18-27 | |
Democracy | Didion, Joan | GF18-28 | |
democracy | didion, joan | ||
Street Pharm | Diepen, Allison Van | GF18-36 | |
Death Deal | Disher, Garry | GF18-29 | |
Port Vila Blues | Disher, Garry | GF18-30 | |
The Sunken Road | Disher, Garry | GF18-31 | |
Past the Headlands | Disher, Garry | GF18-32 | |
Don't | Diski, Jenny | GF18-33 | |
The Monkey's Uncle | Diski, Jenny | GF18-34 | |
The Vine of Desire | Diva-Karuni, Chitra Banarjie | GF18-35 | |
First Lady | Dobbs, Michael | GF18-37 | |
The Waterworks | Doctorow, E.L. | GF18-38 | sold |
Loon Lake | Doctorow, E.L. | GF18-39 | |
The Silent Woman | Dodd, Susan | GF18-40 | |
Requiem | Doherty, Berlie | GF18-41 | |
The Rope of Sand | Donald, Elsie Burch | GF18-42 | |
tied to the tracks | donati, sara | ||
The Destinies of Darcy Dancer, Gentleman | Donleavy, J.P. | GF18-43 | |
The Unexpurgated Code | Donleavy, J.P. | GF19-01 | |
The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B. | Donleavy, J.P. | GF19-02 | |
Schultz | Donleavy, J.P. | GF19-03 | |
A Singular Man | Donleavy, J.P. | GF19-04 | |
The Onion Eaters | Donleavy, J.P. | GF19-05 | |
The Saddest Summit of Samuel S. | Donleavy, J.P. | GF19-06 | |
Holy Mother | Donnelly, Gabrielle | GF19-07 | |
At God's Pleasure | Dormesson, Jean | GF19-08 | |
A Yellow Raft in Blue Water | Dorris, Michael | GF19-09 | |
Fires in the Dark | Doughty, Louise | GF19-10 | |
The Big Fisherman | Douglas, Lloyd C. | GF19-11 | |
The Robe | Douglas, Lloyd C. | GF19-12 | |
Violet | Douglas-Home, Jessica | GF19-13 | |
Blood Kin | Dovey, Ceridwen | GF19-14 | |
Dovey Coe | Dowell, Frances O'Roark | GF19-15 | |
Digging | Dowse, Sarah | GF19-16 | |
The Commitments | Doyle, Roddy | GF19-17 | |
Paddy Clarke, Ha, Ha, Ha | Doyle, Roddy | GF19-18 | |
The Woman Who Walked into Doors | Doyle, Roddy | GF19-19 | |
The Witch of Exmoor | Drabble, Margaret | GF19-20 | |
The Peppered Moth | Drabble, Margaret | GF19-21 | |
The Radiant Way | Drabble, Margaret | GF19-22 | |
The Millstone | Drabble, Margaret | GF19-23 | |
The Garrick Year | Drabble, Margaret | GF19-24 | |
The Waterfall | Drabble, Margaret | GF19-25 | sold |
A Summer Birdcage | Drabble, Margaret | GF19-26 | |
Millhauser | Dressler, Martin | GF19-27 | |
10 short stories you must read this year | drewe et al | x2 | |
The Drowner | Drewe, Robert | GF19-28 | |
Gathering Storm | Drub, Rosie | GF19-29 | |
House of Sand and Fog | Dubus, Andrew III | GF19-30 | |
Disorderly Conduct | Duckworth, Marilyn | GF19-31 | |
Not by Bread Alone | Dudintsev, Vladimir | GF19-32 | |
What Becomes of the Brokenhearted? | Duff, Alan | GF19-33 | |
The Biographer | Duigan, Virginia | GF19-34 | |
Days Like These | Duigan, Virginia | GF19-35 | |
The Birth of Venus | Dunant, Sarah | GF19-36 | |
In the Company of the Courtesan | Dunant, Sarah | GF19-37 | |
Snapshots | Dunbar, Guy | GF19-38 | |
Death of an Ordinary Man | Duncan, Glen | GF19-39 | |
With Your Crooked Heart | Dunmore, Helen | GF19-41 | |
The Ex-Boyfriend's Handbook | Dunn, Matt | GF19-42 | |
The Sixth Wife | Dunn, Susannah | GF19-43 | |
the bookman's wake | dunning, john | ||
The Rock and the Sand | Durack, Mary | GF19-44 | |
To Be Heirs Forever | Durack, Mary | GF19-45 | |
Summer rain | Duras, Marguerite | GF19-45A | |
summer rain | duras, marguerite | ||
Queen Emma of the South Seas | Dutton, Geoffrey | GF19-46 | |
Mercy | Dworkin, Andrea | GF19-47 | |
The Sense of Things | Dyer, Alison | GF19-48 | |
An Awareness of March | Dyer, Alison | GF19-49 | |
Wanderlust | Dyer, Chris | GF19-50 | |
Raw Blue | Eager, Kirsty | GF20-01 | |
World of Chickens | Earls, Nick | GF20-02 | |
Headgames | Earls, Nick | GF20-03 | |
Perfect Skin | Earls, Nick | GF20-04 | |
Zigzag Street | Earls, Nick | GF20-05 | |
Helium | Earnshaw, Tim | GF20-06 | |
The Darkness | Eaton, Anthony | GF20-07 | |
Fireshadow | Eaton, Anthony | GF20-08 | |
The Company | Edge, Annabel | GF20-09 | |
The Gobbler | Edmondson, Adrian | GF20-10 | |
swan song | edric, robert | ||
The Memory Keeper's Daughter | Edwards, Kim | GF20-11 | |
The Little Book | Edwards, Selden | GF20-12 | |
Emerald City | Egan, Jennifer | GF20-13 | |
Look at me | Egan, jennifer | ||
Keynotes and Discords | Egerton, George | GF20-14 | |
St Agnes' Stand | Eidson, Thomas | GF20-15 | |
The Time of the Dragons | Ekert-Rotholz, Alice | GF20-16 | |
Marie Bonnard | Ekert-Rotholz, Alice | GF20-17 | |
The Foodtaster | Elbling, Peter | GF20-18 | |
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow | Eldershaw, M. Barnardq | GF20-19 | |
Oracles and Miracles | Eldred-Grigg, Stevan | GF20-20 | |
Dangerous Words and Fatal Phrases | Elkarz, John | GF20-21 | |
The Sadness of Witches | Elliott, Janice | GF20-22 | |
The Other Side of the Fire | Ellis, Thomas | GF20-23 | |
Platitudes | Ellis, Trey | GF20-24 | |
Dead Famous | Elton, Ben | GF20-25 | |
This Other Eden | Elton, Ben | GF20-26 | |
Stark | Elton, Ben | GF20-27 | |
Chart Throb | Elton, Ben | GF20-28 | |
High Society | Elton, Ben | GF20-29 | |
Gridlock | Elton, Ben | GF20-30 | |
Inconceivable | Elton, Ben | GF20-31 | |
Past Mortem | Elton, Ben | GF20-32 | |
Meltdown | Elton, Ben | GF20-33 | |
Blind Faith | Elton, Ben | GF20-34 | |
The First Casualty | Elton, Ben | GF20-35 | |
Dead Famous | Elton, Ben | GF20-36 | |
dead famous | elton, ben | ||
chart throb | elton, ben | ||
The Sky People | Emery, John | GF20-37 | |
Peace Like a River | Enger, Leif | GF20-38 | |
The Mule's Foal | Epanomitis, Fotini | GF20-39 | |
The Panic of '89 | Erdman, Paul | GF20-40 | |
The Last Days of America | Erdman, Paul | GF20-41 | |
The Master Butcher's Singing Club | Erdrich, Louise | GF21-01 | |
Olive Street | Errington, Susan | GF21-02 | |
Like Water for Chocolate | Esquival, Laura | GF21-03 | |
The Law of Love | Esquival, Laura | GF21-04 | |
Mare's Milk | Esstman, Barbara | GF21-05 | |
Marilyn's Almost Terminal New York Adventure | Ettler, Justine | GF21-06 | |
The River Ophelia | Ettler, Justine | GF21-07 | |
the river ophelia | ettler, justine | ||
my mistress sparrow is dead | eugenides, jeffrey | ||
To the Nines | Evanovitch, Janet | GF21-08 | |
Ten big ones | Evanovitch, Janet | GF21-08a | |
Eleven on Top | Evanovitch, Janet | GF21-08b | |
The Loop | Evans, Nicholas | GF21-09 | |
The Horse Whisperer | Evans, Nicholas | GF21-10 | |
the divide | evans, nicholas | ||
Freezing | Evans, Penelope | GF21-11 | |
The Christmas Box | Evans, Richard Paul | GF21-12 | |
Timepiece | Evans, Richard Paul | GF21-13 | |
the christmas box | evans, richard paul | ||
the divide | evans. Nicholas | ||
The Family Orchard | Eve, Nomi | GF21-14 | |
Shooting Elvis | Eversz, R.M. | GF21-15 | |
Gypsy Hearts | Eversz, R.M. | GF21-16 | |
The Trespass | Ewing, Barbara | GF21-17 | |
the mesmerist | ewing, barbara | ||
The Crimson Petal and the White | Faber, Michael | GF21-18 | |
The Lost Thoughts of Soldiers | Falconer, Delie | GF21-19 | |
A Man | Fallaci, Oriana | GF21-20 | |
The Force of Reason | Fallaci, Oriana | GF21-21 | |
Getting Rid of Matthew | Fallon, Jane | GF21-22 | |
Maps | Farah, Nuruddin | GF21-23 | |
Milk | Farmer, Beverley | GF21-24 | |
The Immigrants | Fast, Howard | GF21-25 | |
Charlotte Grey | Faulks, Sebastian | GF21-26 | |
Human Traces | Faulks, Sebastian | GF21-26a | |
Birdsong | Faulks, Sebastian | GF21-26b | |
human tracts | faulks, sebastian | ||
The fatal englishman | faulks, sebastian | ||
Ackroyd | Feiffer, Jules | GF21-27 | |
Lucy | Feldman, Ellen | GF21-28 | |
Memories of My Ghost Brother | Fenki, Heinz Insu | GF21-29 | |
Beyond the Chindwin | Ferguson, Bernard | GF21-30 | |
Crocodile on the Thames | Ferguson, Peter | GF21-31 | |
city of veils | ferraris, zoe | ||
Then We Came to the End | Ferris, Joshua | GF21-32 | |
Infidelity | Ferris, Paul | GF21-33 | |
Lie in the Dark | Fesperman, Dan | GF21-34 | |
The Oppermanns | Feuchtwanger, Lio | GF21-35 | |
Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination | Fielding, Helen | GF21-36 | |
Cause Celeb | Fielding, Helen | GF21-37 | |
Bridget Jones, the Edge of Reason | Fielding, Helen | GF21-38 | |
Bridget Jones, the Edge of Reason | Fielding, Helen | sold | |
bridget jones's diary | Fielding, Helen | sold | |
bridget jones' diary | fielding, helen | ||
the edge of reason | fielding, helen | ||
bridget jones' diary | fielding, helen | ||
Joseph Andrews | Fielding, Henry | GF21-39 | |
Borrowed Light | Fienberg, Anne | GF22-01 | |
The Witch in the Dark | Fienberg, Anne | GF22-02 | |
The Snowgeese | Fiennes, William | GF22-03 | |
No Hiding Place | Finder, Joseph | GF22-04 | |
The Last of the Crazy People | Findley, Timothyq | GF22-05 | |
raking the ashes | fine, anne | ||
Swimming Upstream | Fingleton, Anthony | GF22-06 | |
A Lot of Croc | Finlayson, Kate | GF22-07 | |
the book of love | fioretti, phillipa | ||
In the Walled Gardens | Firouz, Anahita | GF22-08 | |
The Best Awful | Fisher, Carrie | GF22-09 | |
Surrender the Pink | Fisher, Carrie | GF22-10 | |
Delusions of Grandma | Fisher, Carrie | GF22-11 | |
White Oleander | Fitch, Janet | GF22-12 | |
white oleander | fitch, janet | ||
Marge | Fitzgerald, Kate | GF22-13 | |
Jock of the Bushveldt | Fitzpatrick, Percy | GF22-13a | |
Standing in the Rainbow | Flagg, Fannie | GF22-14 | |
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe | Flagg, Fannie | GF22-15 | |
The Cell | Flanagan, Martin | GF22-16 | |
Sing to Me | Flanagan, Penny | GF22-17 | |
The Unknown Terrorist | Flanagan, Richard | GF22-18 | |
A Circle of Sisters | Flanders, Judith | GF22-19 | |
A Dance to the Glory of God | Fleetwood, Hugh | GF22-20 | |
The House at Karamu | Fletcher, Beryl | GF22-21 | |
The Cloud Forest | Fletcher, J.H. | GF22-22 | |
The Heart-Shaped Bullet | Flett, Kathryn | GF22-23 | |
Dragon Dancing | Flint, Dany Falconer | GF22-24 | |
Return Journey | Flint, Helen | GF22-25 | |
Habitus | Flint, James | GF22-26 | sold |
Man Kills Woman | Flusfeder, D.L. | GF22-27 | |
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close | Foer, Jonathan Safran | GF22-28 | |
First Confession | Fontes, Montserrat | GF22-29 | |
Fish, Blood and Bone | Forbes, Leslie | GF22-30 | |
NYC | ford, catherine | ||
The Kissing Gates | Ford, Mackenzie | GF22-31 | |
The Sportswriter | Ford, Richard | GF22-32 | |
a multitude of sins | ford, richard | ||
Reading the Ceiling | Forster, Dayo | GF22-33 | |
The Ballad of Erinungarah | Foster, David | GF22-34 | |
Testorero | Foster, David | GF22-35 | |
Dog Rock | Foster, David | GF22-36 | |
The Glade Within the Grove | Foster, David | GF22-37 | |
Bad Boys to Go | Foster, Lori et al | GF22-38 | |
the younger man | foster, zoe | ||
Sandmouth People | Frame, Ronald | GF22-39 | |
Requiem | Francis, Clare | GF22-40 | |
Agapanthus Tango | Francis, David | GF22-41 | |
Separation | Franck, Dan | GF22-42 | |
Bring the Money | Franklin, Miles | GF22-43 | |
On Dearborn Street | Franklin, Miles | GF22-44 | |
Pioneers on Parade | Franklin, Miles | GF23-01 | |
the twenty-seventh city | franzen, jonathan | ||
the corrections | franzen, jonathan | ||
Quiet as a Nun | Fraser, Antonia | GF23-02 | |
Judicial Whispers | Fraser, Caro | GF23-03 | |
A Perfect Obsession | Fraser, Caro | GF23-04 | |
flashman and the redskins | fraser, george macdonald | ||
A Social Death | Fraser, Jane | GF23-05 | |
Spies | Frayn, Michael | GF23-06 | sold |
A Very Private Life | Frayn, Michael | GF23-07 | sold |
Cold Mountain | Frazier, Charles | GF23-08 | X 2 |
Hannah's Daughters | Fredricksson, Marianne | GF23-09 | |
Inge and Mira | Fredricksson, Marianne | GF23-10 | |
Simon and the Oaks | Fredricksson, Marianne | GF23-11 | |
Elisabeth's Daughter | Fredricksson, Marianne | GF23-12 | |
Flipside | Freeman, Jane | GF23-13 | |
Your Name Written on Water | Frei, Irene Gonzalez | GF23-14 | |
A Tiny Bit Marvellous | French, Dawn | GF23-14a | sold |
the women's room | french, marilyn | ||
Peerless Flats | Freud, Esther | GF23-15 | |
The Sea House | Freud, Esther | GF23-16 | |
roadkill | friedman, kinky | ||
The Bold in the Sea | Friel, Brian | GF23-17 | |
Left of North | Friel, James | GF23-18 | |
left of north | friel, james | ||
The D Case | Fruttero, Carlos & Livertini, Franco | GF23-19 | |
The Campaign | Fuentes, Carlos | GF23-20 | |
Diana | Fuentes, Carlos | GF23-21 | |
A Change of Skin | Fuentes, Carlos | GF23-22 | |
The Eagle's Throne | Fuentes, Carlos | GF23-23 | |
The Monkey House | Fullerton, John | GF23-24 | |
all that i am | funder, anna | ||
Sparring with Shadows | Fusillo, Archimede | GF23-25 | |
Perfectly Pure and Good | Fyfield, Frances | GF23-26 | |
Sarah Fortune Collection | Fyfield, Frances | GF23-27 | |
A Helen West Omnibus | Fyfield, Frances | GF23-28 | |
sophie's world | Gaarder, jostein | GF23-28a | sold |
Vita Brevis | Gaarder, Jostein | GF23-29 | |
Maya | Gaarder, Jostein | GF23-29a | sold |
A Frolic of His Own | Gaddis, William | GF23-30 | sold |
The Last Hour Before Dawn | Gadney, Reg | GF23-31 | |
FLight Lessons | Gaffney, Patricia | GF23-32 | |
A Long Season in Hell | Gail Graham | GF27-06 | |
A Lesson Before Dying | Gaines, Ernest | GF23-33 | |
King Henry | Galbraith, Douglas | GF23-34 | |
The Disinherited | Galdos, Benito Perez | GF23-35 | |
Dona Perfecta | Galdos, Benito Perez | GF23-36 | |
The Facts of Life | Gale, Patrick | GF23-37 | |
The Cat Sanctuary | Gale, Patrick | GF23-38 | |
The Whole Day Through | Gale, Patrick | GF24-01 | |
The Feng Shui Junkie | Gallagher, Brian | GF24-01a | |
Oona O' | Gallagher, Thomas | GF24-02 | |
Ludmila | Gallico, Paul | GF24-03 | |
Coronation | Gallico, Paul | GF24-04 | |
Trial by Terror | Gallico, Paul | GF24-05 | |
Jennie | Gallico, Paul | GF24-06 | |
Beyond Poseidon Adventure | Gallico, Paul | GF24-07 | |
Matilda | Gallico, Paul | GF24-08 | |
Scruffy | Gallico, Paul | GF24-09 | |
Flowers for Mrs Harris | Gallico, Paul | GF24-09a | |
Napoleon | Gallo, Max | GF24-10 | |
Maid in Waiting | Galsworthy, John | GF24-11 | |
Out of Season | Gamble, Barbara | GF24-12 | |
The Pure Weight of the Heart | Gambotto, Antonella | GF24-13 | |
The Trouble with Lazy Ethel | Gann, Ernest | GF24-14 | sold |
A Ship Possessed | Gansky, Alton | GF24-15 | |
Dreaming in Cuban | Garcia, Cristina | GF24-16 | |
The Legend of the Wandering King | Garcia, Laura | GF24-17 | |
Old Filth | Gardam, Jane | GF24-18 | |
God on the Rocks | Gardam, Jane | GF24-19 | |
The Pangs of Love | Gardam, Jane | GF24-20 | |
Bilgewater | Gardam, Jane | GF24-21 | |
Black Faces, White Faces | Gardam, Jane | GF24-22 | |
A Long Way from Verona | Gardam, Jane | GF24-23 | |
Flight of the Maidens | Gardam, Jane | GF24-24 | |
a long way from verona | gardam, jane | ||
The Sunlight Dialogues | Gardner, John | GF24-25 | |
Losing Gemma | Gardner, Katy | GF24-26 | |
The Survivor's Club | Gardner, Lisa | GF24-27 | |
The Perfect Husband | Gardner, Lisa | GF24-28 | |
The Fringe Dwellers | Gare, Nene | GF24-29 | |
Wild Times | Garfield, Brian | GF24-30 | |
Night Dancing | Garner, Elizabeth | GF24-31 | |
Aspects of Love | Garnett, David | GF24-32 | |
The Company of Men | Gary, Roman | GF24-33 | |
Hissing Tales | Gary, Roman | GF24-34 | |
The Clearing | Gautreaux, Tim | GF24-41 | |
Sea Room | Gautreaux, Tim | GF24-42 | |
Hunting and Gathering | Gavalda, Anna | GF24-35 | |
A Light Woman | Gavin, Catherine | GF24-36 | |
Coram Bay | Gavin, Jamila | GF24-37 | |
The Spin | Geary, Tim | GF24-38 | |
How to Murder a Man | Gebler, Carlo | GF24-39 | |
Shiver | Gemmell, Nikki | GF25-01 | |
The Book of Rapture | Gemmell, Nikki | GF25-02 | |
with my body | gemmell, nikki | ||
SIlent Alice | Genova, Lisa | GF25-03 | |
The Right Honourable Chimpanzee | George, David St | GF25-06 | |
The Memoirs of Cleopatra | George, Margaret | GF25-04 | |
Mary, Queen of Scotland and the Isles | George, Margaret | GF25-05 | |
Miss Lonely Hearts | George, Sheryn | GF25-07 | |
Every After | Geras, Adele | GF25-08 | |
Hester's Story | Geras, Adele | GF25-09 | |
The Things We Knew Were True | Gerrard, Nicci | GF25-10 | |
Gravity | Gerritsen, Tess | GF25-11 | |
A New History of Torments | Ghosa, Zulfikar | GF25-12 | |
The Incredible Brazilian | Ghosa, Zulfikar | GF25-13 | |
The Country of Marriage | Giardina, Anthony | GF25-14 | |
Ellen Foster | Gibbins, Kaye | GF25-15 | |
Blueprint for a Prophet | Gibeily, Carl | GF25-16 | |
Demon of the Waters | Gibson, Gregory | GF25-17 | |
First Holy Chameleon | Gibson, Maggie | GF25-18 | |
Dancing with Mermaids | Gibson, Miles | GF25-19 | |
Born to Rule | Gilardi, Julie | GF24-40 | |
Miles McGinty | Gilling, Tom | GF25-20 | |
The Sooterkin | GIlling, Tom | GF25-21 | |
The Undiscovered Country | Gillison, Samantha | GF25-22 | |
1900 | Giovanni, Norman Thomas Di | GF25-23 | |
The Pirate's Daughter | Girardi, Robert | GF25-24 | |
Only One Adam | Gittins, Elizabeth | GF25-25 | |
Cement | Gladkov, F.V. | GF25-26 | |
Digging to Australia | Glaister, Lesley | GF25-27 | |
Trick or Treat | Glaister, Lesley | GF25-28 | |
Children of Their Time | Glanfield, Jenny | GF25-29 | |
The Year the Gypsies Came | Glass, Linzi | GF25-30 | |
The Gate at the End of the World | Glazebrook, Philip | GF25-31 | |
The Serpent in the Garden | Gleeson, Janet | GF25-32 | |
The Arcanum | Gleeson, Janet | GF25-33 | |
The Grown-Ups | Glendinning, Victoria | GF25-34 | |
Electricity | Glendinning, Victoria | GF25-35 | |
Flight | Glendinning, Victoria | GF25-36 | |
Our Mother's House | Gloag, Julian | GF25-37 | |
the luxe | godbersen, anna | ||
rumours | godbersen, anna | ||
splendor | godbersen, anna | ||
envy | godbersen, anna | ||
Greengage Summer | Godden, Rumer | GF25-38 | |
Kingfishers Catch Fire | Godden, Rumer | GF25-39 | |
Father Melancholy's Daughter | Godwin, Gail | GF25-40 | |
Minyan | Gold, Alan David | GF25-41 | |
Hara | Gold, Emma | GF26-01 | |
memoirs of a geisha | golden, arthus | ||
And Do Remember Me | Golden, Marita | GF26-02 | |
Simple Prayers | Golding, Michael | GF26-03 | |
A Moving Target | Golding, William | GF26-04 | |
Marathon Man | Goldman, William | GF26-05 | |
Reunion | Goldsmith, Andrea | GF26-06 | |
Gracious Living | Goldsmith, Andrea | GF26-07 | |
Modern Interiors | Goldsmith, Andrea | GF26-08 | |
Best Seller | Goldsmith, Olivia | GF26-09 | |
Kiss | Goldsworthy, Peter | GF26-10 | |
Maestro | Goldsworthy, Peter | GF26-11 | |
Honk, If You Are Jesus | Goldsworthy, Peter | GF26-12 | |
three parts truth | goltz, helen | ||
The Two Pearls of Wisdom | Goodman, Alison | GF26-13 | |
The Seduction of Water | Goodman, Carol | GF26-14 | |
The Janissary Tree | Goodwin, Jason | GF26-15 | |
Danny Boy | Goodwin, Jo-Ann | GF26-16 | |
The Pleasures of Conquest | Gooneratne, Yasmina | GF26-17 | |
A Change of Skies | Gooneratne, Yasmina | GF26-18 | |
Selected Stories | Gordimer, Nadine | GF26-19 | |
Burger's Daughter | Gordimer, Nadine | GF26-20 | |
spending | gordon, mary | ||
The Last Jew | Gordon, Noah | GF26-21 | |
Choices | Gordon, Noah | GF26-22 | |
Doctor at Sea | Gordon, Richard | GF26-23 | |
A Bit of Witchcraft | Gotchi, Iris | GF27-01 | |
The Nether Regions | Gough, Sue | GF26-24 | |
the nether regions | gough, sue | ||
Th Man Who Stayed Below | Gould, Alan | GF26-25 | |
Close Ups | Gould, Alan | GF26-26 | |
The Schoonermaster's Dance | Gould, Alan | GF26-27 | |
The Light in the Window | Goulding, June | GF26-28 | |
Three Views of Crystal Water | Govier, Katherine | GF27-02 | |
The White Bone | Gowdy, Barbara | GF27-03 | |
the tudors the king queen and the mistress | gracie, anne | ||
The Whitest Flower | Graham, Brendan | GF27-04 | |
The Element of Fire | Graham, Brendan | GF27-05 | |
The Future Homemakers of America | Graham, Laurie | GF27-07 | |
Perfect Meringues | Graham, Laurie | GF27-08 | |
Gone with the Windsors | Graham, Laurie | GF27-09 | |
The Angry Tide (7th Poldark) | Graham, Winston | GF27-10 | |
Night Journey | Graham, Winston | GF27-11 | |
Shooting Fish | Grant, Graham | GF27-12 | |
Life as Carola | Grant, Joan | GF27-13 | |
Lord of the Horizon | Grant, Joan | GF27-14 | |
Threatening Eye | Grant-Adamson, Lesley | GF27-15 | |
crabwalk | grass, gunter | ||
The Condor Passes | Grau, Shirley Ann | GF27-16 | |
The Artist is a Thief | Gray, Stephen | GF27-17 | |
Freud and the Nazis Go Surfing | Green, Bill | GF27-18 | |
Adam's Empire | Green, Evan | GF27-19 | |
Party Going | Green, Henry | GF27-20 | |
Loving, Living, Party Going | Green, Henry | GF27-21 | |
Second Chance | Green, Jane | GF27-22 | |
Th Beach House | Green, Jane | GF27-23 | |
Hunter's Heart | Green, Julie | GF28-01 | |
Cassandra | Greenwood, Kerry | GF28-02 | |
Journey to Eureka | Greenwood, Kerry | GF28-03 | |
Shakespeare's Wife | Greer, Germaine | GF28-04 | |
The Devil's Backbone | Greer, Robert | GF28-05 | |
The Other Boleyn Girl | Gregory, Philippa | GF28-06 | |
the little house | Gregory, Philippa | ||
east of the sun | gregson, julia | ||
The Clouds Above | Greig, Andrew | GF28-07 | |
The Secret River | Grenville, Kate | GF28-08 | SOLD |
bearded ladies | grenville, kate | ||
the idea of perfection | grenville, kate | ||
An Affair to Remember | Gressor, Megan & Cook, Kerry | GF28-09 | |
The Stormbirds | Griffiths, Anne | GF28-10 | |
My Drowning | Grimsley, Jim | GF28-11 | |
Red Robe | Grimwood, Jon Courtenay | GF28-12 | |
The Monsters of Templeton | Groff, Lauren | GF28-13 | |
Junkie Pilgrim | Grogan, Wayne | GF28-14 | |
Forest Gump | Groom, Winston | GF28-15 | |
See under Love | Grossman, David | GF28-16 | |
The Smile of the Lamb | Grossman, David | GF28-17 | |
Salt on Our Skin | Groult, Benoite | GF28-18 | |
The Spring of Valor | Grove, Fred | GF28-19 | |
Water for elephants | Gruen, Sara | ||
Phantom Pain | Grunberg, Arnon | GF28-20 | |
Tales of Passion, Tales of Woe | Gulland, Sandra | GF28-21 | |
Chez Chance | Gummerman, Jay | GF28-22 | |
Reef | Gunesekera, Ramesh | GF28-23 | |
By the Sea | Gurnah, Abdulrazak | GF28-24 | |
Admiring Silence | Gurnah, Abdulrazak | GF28-25 | |
More Than You Know | Gutcheon, Beth | GF28-26 | |
East of the Mountains | Guterson, David | GF28-27 | |
snow falling on cedars | guterson, david | ||
The Crazed | Ha Jin | GF40-02 | |
Waiting | Ha Jin | GF40-03 | |
In a Dark Wood Wandering | Haase, Hella S. | GF29-01 | |
Life Story | Habens, Alison | GF29-02 | |
the curious incident of the dog in the night time | haddon, mark | ||
Dog Eaters | Hagedorn, Jessica | GF29-03 | |
Tom Bedlam | Hagen, George | GF29-04 | |
The Radleys | Haig, Matt | GF29-05 | |
The Last Family in England | Haig, Matt | GF29-06 | |
Seducing Mr MacLean | Haikas, Loubna | GF29-07 | |
The Saskiad | Hall, Brian | GF29-08 | |
Blood on the Lotus | Hall, Lincoln | GF29-09 | |
The Well of Loneliness | Hall, Radclyffe | GF29-10 | |
Cockles of the Heart | Halligan, Marion | GF29-11 | |
The Golden Dress | Halligan, Marion | GF29-12 | |
The Reluctant Fundamentalist | Hamid, Mohsin | GF29-13 | |
the reading room | hamilton, ruth | ||
The Lock Artist | Hamilton, Steve | GF29-17 | |
Surrogate City | Hamlton, Hugo | GF29-15 | |
The Short History of a Prince | Hamlton, Jane | GF29-16 | |
The Arizona Game | Hammick, Georgina | GF29-18 | |
Snow in August | Hammill, Pete | GF29-14 | |
Cocos Gold | Hammond, Ralph | GF29-19 | |
Two for the Road | Hampson, Amanda | GF29-20 | |
the olive sisters | hampson, amanda | ||
hunger | hamsun, knut | ||
Naked Among Cannibals | Hand, Graham | GF29-21 | |
The Man Who Cancelled Himself | Handler, David | GF29-22 | |
The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street | Hanff, Helene | GF29-23 | |
Letter from New York | Hanff, Helene | GF29-24 | |
Apple of My Eye | Hanff, Helene | GF29-25 | |
The Blue Mosquito | Hanfling, Brian | GF29-26 | |
The Consul at Sunset | Hanley, Gerald | GF29-27 | |
Hurting Distance | Hannah, Sophie | GF29-28 | |
Lunch with a Soldier | Hansen, Derek | GF30-01 | |
Orchid Fever | Hansen, Eric | GF30-01A | |
Psalm at Journey's End | Hansen, Erik Fosnes | GF29-29 | |
Nine Parts Water | Hardman, Emma | GF30-02 | |
Who Shot George Kirkland? | Hardy, Frank | GF30-03 | |
The Hard Way | Hardy, Frank | GF30-04 | |
But the Dead Are Many | Hardy, Frank | GF30-05 | |
Power without Glory | Hardy, Frank | GF30-06 | |
Altered Land | Hardy, Jules | GF30-07 | |
The Invaluable Mystery | Harford, Lesbia | GF30-08 | |
A Woman of Air | Hargrave, Margaret Packham | GF30-09 | |
Old Night | Harkness, Clare | GF30-10 | |
Jackal's Dance | Harper, Beverley | GF30-11 | |
Blackberry Wine | Harris, Joanne | GF30-12 | |
Five Quarters of an Orange | Harris, Joanne | GF30-13 | |
the lollipop shoes | Harris, Joanne | ||
the lollipop shoes | Harris, Joanne | ||
five quarters of the orange | harris, joanne | ||
Summers of the Wild Rose | Harris, Rosemary | GF30-14 | |
Delirium of the Brave | Harris, William C. | GF30-15 | |
My Lady Judge | Harrison, Cora | GF30-16 | |
A Father's Diary | Harrison, Fraser | GF30-17 | |
Legends of the Fall | Harrison, Jim | GF30-18 | |
The Road Home | Harrison, Jim | GF30-19 | |
Envy | Harrison, Kathryn | GF30-22 | |
The Binding Chair | Harrison, Kathryn | GF30-23 | |
Exposure | Harrison, Kathryn | GF30-24 | |
Another Place at the Table | Harrison, Kathy | GF30-25 | |
Signs of Life | Harrison, M. John | GF30-20 | |
Th Centauri Device | Harrison, M. John | GF30-21 | |
Heaven's on Hold | Harrison, Sarah | GF30-26 | |
Be an Angel | Harrison, Sarah | GF30-27 | |
The Snow Falcon | Harrison, Stuart | GF30-28 | |
The Catherine Wheel | Harrower, Elizabeth | GF31-01 | |
The Truth About Love | Hart, Josephine | GF31-02 | |
The Go-Between | Hartley, L.P. | GF31-03 | |
The Country without Music | Hasluck, Nicholas | GF31-04 | |
The Blue Guitar | Hasluck, Nicholas | GF31-05 | |
The Bellarmine Jug | Hasluck, Nicholas | GF31-06 | |
Quarantine | Hasluck, Nicholas | GF31-07 | |
North of Hope | Hassler, Jan | GF31-08 | |
The International Gooseberry | Hatch, Ben | GF31-09 | |
Tales of the Tikongs | Hau'ofa, Epeu | GF31-10 | |
In Search of an Impotent Man | Hauptmann, Gaby | GF31-11 | |
Ash Wednesday | Hawke, Ethan | GF31-14 | sold |
Pepper | Hawkins, Tristan | GF31-12 | |
The Falling Woman | Hawthorne, Susan | GF31-13 | |
Skins | Hay, Sarah | GF31-15 | |
The Secret of Lost Things | Hay, Sheridan | GF31-16 | |
Still Life on Sand | Hayes, Karen | GF31-17 | |
Letting Go | Hayes, Karen | GF31-18 | |
Lindbergh's Legacy | Hayes, Katy | GF31-19 | |
Body of Contention | Haylock, John | GF31-20 | |
Chalktown | Haynes, Melinda | GF31-21 | |
Mother of Pearl | Haynes, Melinda | GF31-22 | |
The Great Fire | Hazzard, Shirley | GF31-23 | |
The Evening of the Holiday | Hazzard, Shirley | GF31-24 | |
The Bay of Neon | Hazzard, Shirley | GF31-25 | |
the great fire | hazzard, shirley | ||
Tales of Tenderness Power | Head, Bessie | GF31-26 | |
Across the Nightingale Floor | Hearn Lian | GF31-27 | SOLD |
Where the Love Gets In | Heavey, Tara | GF31-28 | |
The Vision of Emma Blau | Hegi, Ursula | GF31-29 | |
The Sacred Time | Hegi, Ursula | GF31-30 | |
The Distant Lover | Hein, Christopher | GF32-01 | |
manhattan dreaming | heiss, anita | ||
Picture This | Heller, Joseph | GF32-02 | |
God Knows | Heller, Joseph | GF32-03 | sold |
Snow on the Moon | Heller, Keith | GF32-04 | |
Slabrat | Heller, Ted | GF32-05 | |
The Believers | Heller, Zoe | GF32-06 | |
Pentimento | Hellman, Lillian | GF32-07 | |
Walking into the River | Hemingway, Lorian | GF32-08 | |
A Woman of the World | Henderson, Genie Chipps | GF32-09 | |
Freeze My Margarita | Henderson, Lauren | GF32-10 | |
The Strawberry Tattoo | Henderson, Lauren | GF32-11 | |
Chasing Angels | Henderson, Meg | GF32-12 | |
Bread Alone | Hendricks, Judi | GF32-13 | |
Isabel's Daughter | Hendricks, Judi | GF32-14 | |
Out of the Line of Fire | Henshaw, Mark | GF32-15 | |
Kitchen Venom | Hensher, Philip | GF32-16 | |
The House of Gentle Men | Hepinstall, Kathy | GF32-17 | |
The Pier | Heppenstall, Rayner | GF32-18 | |
Seven Emus | Herbert, Xavier | GF32-19 | |
Her Scandalous Affair | Hern, Candice | GF32-20 | |
Thereafter Johnnie | Herron, Carolivia | GF32-21 | |
A Bell for Adano | Hersey, John | GF32-22 | |
Tales of the Master Race | Hershman, Marcie | GF32-23 | |
The Toucher | Hewett, Dorothy | GF32-24 | |
Neap Tide | Hewett, Dorothy | GF32-25 | |
Epiphany | Hewson, David | GF32-26 | |
The Villa of Mysteries | Hewson, David | GF32-27 | |
Hoot | Hiaasen, Carl | GF32-28 | |
The Quetzel Summer | Hickman, Katie | GF32-29 | |
Courtesans | Hickman, Katie | GF32-30 | |
the aviary gate | hickman, katie | ||
Such Good People | Hickman, Martha | GF33-01 | |
The Widow of the South | Hicks, Robert | GF33-02 | |
Born Confused | Hidier, Desai | GF33-03 | |
The Eagle Has Landed | Higgins, Jack | GF33-04 | |
Salamanca | Higgins, John | GF33-05 | |
Empress of the Splendid Season | Hijuelos, Oscar | GF33-06 | |
Mr Ives' Christmas | Hijuelos, Oscar | GF33-07 | |
The Best Picture | Hill, Barry | GF33-08 | |
the small hand | hill, susan | ||
The Love of Stories | Hill, Tobias | GF33-09 | |
The Cryptographer | Hill, Tobias | GF33-10 | |
The Way of a Boy | Hillen, Ernest | GF33-11 | |
A Life of Days | Hillman, Robert | GF33-12 | |
For Better, For Worse and For Lunch | Hindhaugh, Christine | GF33-13 | |
A Kestrel for a Knave | Hines, Barry | GF33-14 | |
Hawke Harbor | Hinton, S.E. | GF33-15 | |
Rumble Fish | Hinton, S.E. | GF33-16 | |
Born Free | Hird, Laura | GF33-17 | |
Pincus Corbett's Strange Adventure | Hirsch, Odo | GF33-18 | |
the tudors king takes queen | hirst, michael | ||
the tudors thy will be done | hirst, michael | ||
Percy | Hitchcock, Raymond | GF33-19 | |
Ridley Walker | Hoban, Russell | GF33-20 | |
Pilgermann | Hoban, Russell | GF33-21 | |
The Sweet-Smelling Jasmine | Hobbs, Jenny | GF33-23 | |
The Very Dead of Winter | Hocking, Mary | GF33-24 | |
The Bad Policeman | Hodgman, Helen | GF33-25 | |
Blue Skies and Jack and Jill | Hodgman, Helen | GF33-26 | |
The Sands of Time | Hoeye, Michael | GF33-27 | |
time stops for no mouse | hoeye, michael | ||
The Story of the Silent Harp | Hoff, B.J. | GF33-28 | |
Here on Earth | Hoffman, Alice | GF33-29 | |
Green Angel | Hoffman, Alice | GF34-01 | |
The Wisdom of Crocodiles | Hoffman, Paul | GF34-01a | |
A Curious Street | Hogan, Desmond | GF34-02 | |
the school for husbands | holden, wendy | ||
The Moonlit Cafe | Holeman, Linda | GF34-02a | |
The Line of Beauty | Hollinghurst, Alan | GF34-03 | |
Th Healer | Hollingshead, Guy | GF34-04 | |
The Amish Landscape | Holman, Robert | GF34-05 | |
The Dress Lodger | Holman, Sheri | GF34-06 | |
Music for Torching | Holmes, A.M. | GF34-11 | |
Dr Johnson and Mr Savage | Holmes, Richard | GF34-07 | |
The Walled Orchard | Holt, Tom | GF34-08 | |
The Curse of the Kings | Holt, Victoria | GF34-09 | SOLD |
The Pride of the Peacock | Holt, Victoria | GF34-10 | SOLD |
When the Elephants Dance | Holthe, Tess Uruzi | GF34-12 | |
Rat Palms | Homel, David | GF34-13 | |
The Blue Wolf | Homeric | GF34-14 | |
The Baker | Hond, Paul | GF34-15 | |
Optical Illusions | Hook, Philip | GF34-16 | |
Beyond the Pale | Hooker, John | GF34-17 | |
My Chocolate Redeemer | Hope, Christopher | GF34-18 | |
A Separate Development | Hope, Christopher | GF34-19 | |
Learning to Fly | Hope, Christopher | GF35-01 | |
Heaven Forbid | Hope, Christopher | GF35-02 | |
The Hottentot Room | Hope, Christopher | GF35-03 | |
Darkest England | Hope, Christopher | GF35-04 | |
the pile of stuff at the bottom of the stairs | hopkinson, christina | ||
Lost to View | Hordern, James | GF35-05 | |
How to Be Good | Hornby, Nick | GF35-07 | |
About a Boy | Hornby, Nickq | GF35-06 | |
Loving Athena | Horniman, Joanne | GF35-08 | |
Dream Run | Horsfield, Dorothy | GF35-09 | |
Orpheus Lost | Hospital, Janette Turner | GF35-10 | |
Dislocation | Hospital, Janette Turner | GF35-11 | |
Oyster | Hospital, Janette Turner | GF35-12 | |
Borderline | Hospital, Janette Turner | GF35-13 | |
Isobars | Hospital, Janette Turner | GF35-14 | |
Tiger in the Pit | Hospital, Janette Turner | GF35-15 | |
Charades | Hospital, Janette Turner | GF35-16 | |
orpheus lost | hospital, janette turner | ||
The Kite Runner | Hosseini, Khaled | GF33-22 | X 2 |
a thousand splendid suns | Hosseini, Khaled | ||
the kite runner | hosseini, khaled | x2 | |
The Sixth Sense | Houbein, Lolo | GF35-17 | |
Walk a Barefoot Road | Houbein, Lolo | GF35.18 | |
Atomised | Houellebecq, Michel | GF35-19 | |
Unravelled | Housden, Maria | GF35-20 | |
Watcher in the Shadows | Household, Geoffrey | GF35-21 | |
Snow Mountain Passage | Houston, James D. | GF35-22 | |
Cowboys Are My Weakness | Houston, Pam | GF35-23 | |
The Flight of Swallows | Howard, Audrey | GF35-24 | |
The Beautiful Visit & After Julius | Howard, Elizabeth Jane | Top nr door-08 | |
Discovering the Body | Howard, Mary | GF35-25 | |
I Served the King of England | Hrabal, Bohumil | GF35-26 | |
The Year of Disappearances | Hubbard, Susan | GF35-27 | |
Roth | Hughes, Glyn | GF35-28 | |
The Bright House | Hughes, Lyn | GF35-29 | |
Daughters of Nazareth | Hughes, Patricia | GF35-30 | |
the dreamfighter and other creation tales | hughes, ted | ||
The Nun's Story | Hulme, Kathryn | GF36-01 | |
The Bone People | Hulme, Keri | GF36-02 | |
King Arthur, the Bloody Cup | Hume, M.K. | GF36-03 | |
Full Fathom Five | Humphrey, Kate | GF36-04 | |
Dreams of Sleep | Humphreys, Josephine | GF36-05 | |
Joy | Hunt, Marsha | GF36-07 | |
The Court of the Air | Hunt, Stephen | GF36-08 | |
The Seduction of Silence | Hunte, Bem Le | GF36-06 | |
Dolce Agoma | Huston, Nancy | GF36-09 | |
The Mark of the Angel | Huston, Nancy | GF36-10 | |
What I Loved | Hustvedt, Siri | GF36-11 | |
Many Years a Thief | Hutchison, David | GF36-12 | |
Compulsion | Hutson, Shaun | GF36-13 | |
Electric God | Hyde, Catherine Ryan | GF36-14 | |
The Place at the Coast | Hyde, Jane | GF36-15 | |
Diamond Dove | Hyland, Adrian | GF36-16 | |
This Is How | Hyland, M.J. | GF36-17 | |
Strikes | Hyman, Richard | GF36-18 | |
Asya | Ignatieff, Michael | GF37-01 | |
Scar Tissue | Ignatieff, Michael | GF37-02 | |
Gone Tomorrow | Indiana, Gary | GF37-03 | |
Escape from the Past | Infante, Anne | GF37-04 | |
Black Diamond | Ingalls, Rachel | GF37-05 | |
Top Secret | Ingersoll, Ralph | GF37-06 | |
Head of the Corner | Ingoldby, Grace | GF37-07 | |
Past Secrets | Innes, M.A. | GF37-08 | solld |
The Unknown | Ireland, David | GF37-09 | |
Burn | Ireland, David | GF37-10 | |
Faraway | Irvine, Lucy | GF37-11 | |
The World According to Garp | Irving, John | GF37-12 | |
The 158-Pound Marriage | Irving, John | GF37-13 | |
Until I find you | Irving, John | GF37-13a | |
The Cider House Rules | Irving, John | GF37-14 | |
last night in twister river | irving, john | ||
The Arabian Nightmare | Irwin, Robert | GF37-15 | |
when we were orphans | ishiguro, kazuo | ||
Sandro of Chegem | Iskander, Fazil | GF37-16 | |
Deafening | Itani, Frances | GF37-17 | |
The Weekly Card Game | Jack, Antoni | GF38-01 | |
Caligula | Jackson, Douglas | GF38-02 | |
Gods in Alabama | Jackson, Joshilyn | GF38-03 | |
The Underground Man | Jackson, Mick | GF38-04 | |
Ramses, Under the Western Acacia | Jacq, Christian | GF38-05 | |
Ramses, The Son of the Light | Jacq, Christian | GF38-06 | |
Lulu | Jagose, Annamarie | GF38-07 | |
Slow Water | Jagose, Annamarie | GF38-08 | |
Miles Walker, You're Dead | Jaivin, Linda | GF38-09 | |
Rock 'n Roll Babes from Outer Space | Jaivin, Linda | GF38-10 | |
The Monkey and the Dragon | Jaivin, Linda | GF38-11 | |
the infernal optimist | jaivin, linda | ||
Fool's Gold | Jakeman, Jan | GF38-12 | |
Heaven and Hell | Jakes, John | GF38-13 | |
Love and War | Jakes, John | GF38-14 | |
The Remake | James, Clive | GF38-15 | |
Brilliant Creatures | James, Clive | GF38-16 | |
Brrm! Brrm! | James, Clive | GF38-17 | |
The Queen of New Beginnings | James, Erica | GF38-18 | |
Talleyman | James, John | GF39-02 | |
Final Report | James, Lyn St | GF39-01 | |
In Her Mother's House | Jameson, Julietta | GF39-03 | |
The Male Cross-Dresser's Support Group | Janowitz, Tama | GF39-04 | |
A Very Long Engagement | Japrisot, Sebastien | GF39-05 | |
Crown in Candlelight | Jarman, Rosemary Hawley | GF39-06 | |
Somewhere, Home | Jarrar, Nada Awar | GF39-07 | |
Breathing in Colour | Jay, Clare | GF39-08 | |
America's Back Porch | Jeffreys, Daniel | GF39-09 | |
Free Fall | Jelbart, Meredith | GF39-10 | |
Dr Gully | Jenkins, Elizabeth | GF39-11 | |
The Duke's Agent | Jenkins, Rebecca | GF39-12 | |
Aztec | Jennings, Gary | GF39-13 | |
Moral Hazard | Jennings, Kate | GF39-14 | |
Beauty Story | Jennings, Luke | GF39-15 | |
War Crimes for the Home | Jensen, Liz | GF39-16 | |
The Blue Bedspread | Jha, Raj Kamal | GF39-17 | |
Shards of Memory | Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer | GF39-18 | |
Esmond in India | Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer | GF39-19 | |
Get Ready for Battle | Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer | GF39-20 | |
The Nature of Passion | Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer | GF39-21 | |
Poet and Dancer | Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer | GF39-22 | |
In Search of Love and Beauty | Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer | GF39-23 | |
Enemy Women | Jiles, Paulette | GF40-01 | |
waiting | jin, ha | ||
Little White Secrets | Jinks, Catherine | GF40-04 | |
All That I Have | Joffrin, Laurent | GF40-05 | |
Already Dead | Johnson, Dennis | GF40-06 | |
The Rebel | Johnson, Grace | GF40-07 | |
Gabriel's Ladder | Johnson, Samuel | GF40-08 | |
The Demas Revelation | Johnson, Shane | GF40-09 | |
The Heart's Wild Surf | Johnson, Stephanie | GF40-10 | |
Crimes of Neglect | Johnson, Stephanie | GF40-11 | |
Messages from Chaos | Johnson, Susan | GF40-12 | |
The Broken Book | Johnson, Susan | GF40-13 | |
Hungry Ghosts | Johnson, Susan | GF40-14 | |
A Big Life | Johnson, Susan | GF40-15 | |
My Brother Jack HB | Johnston, George | GF40-17 | |
Strong Man from Piraeus | Johnston, George & Clift, Charmian | GF40-16 | |
How Many Miles to Babylon? | Johnston, Jennifer | GF40-18 | |
The Captains & the Kings, The Railway Station Man, Fool's Sanctuary | Johnston, Jennifer | GF40-19 | |
Two Rooms | Johnston, Jennifer | GF40-20 | |
A Deeper Shade of Blue | Johnston, Paul | GF40-21 | |
The Colony of Unrequited Dreams | Johnston, Wayne | GF41-01 | |
a lady cyclists guide to kashgar | joinson, suzanne | ||
My Father's Moon HB | Jolley, Elizabeth | GF41-02 | |
My Father's Moon PB | Jolley, Elizabeth | GF41-03 | |
The Georges' Wife | Jolley, Elizabeth | GF41-04 | |
The Well | Jolley, Elizabeth | GF41-07 | |
The Sugar Mother | Jolley, Elizabeth | GF41-08 | |
Miss Peabody's Inheritance | Jolley, Elizabeth | GF41-09 | |
the well | jolley, elizabeth | ||
Love Song HB | Jolley. Elizabeth | GF41-05 | |
Love Song PB | Jolley. Elizabeth | GF41-06 | |
What the Eye Doesn't See | Jolly, Alice | GF41-10 | |
The Known World | Jones, Edward P. | GF41-11 | |
Sixty Lights | Jones, Gail | GF41-12 | |
Black Mirror | Jones, Gail | GF41-13 | |
Go to the Widow Maker | Jones, James | GF41-14 | |
The Merry Month of May | Jones, James | GF41-15 | |
Mister Pip | Jones, Lloyd | GF41-16 | |
choo woo | jones, lloyd | ||
mister pip | jones, lloyd | ||
Night Pictures | Jones, Rod | GF41-17 | |
Billy Sunday | Jones, Rod | GF41-18 | |
Swan Bay | Jones, Rod | GF41-19 | |
red dress walking | jones, s a | ||
Water Lily | Jones, Susanna | GF41-20 | |
Parachutes and Kisses | Jong, Erica | GF41-21 | |
Being the True History of the Adventures of Fanny Hackabout-Jones | Jong, Erica | GF41-22 | |
Normal Girl | Jong-Fast, Molly | GF41-23 | |
Dance with a Poor Man's Daughter | Jooste, Pamela | GF41-24 | |
Sunrise with a Sea Monster HB | Jordan, Neil | GF42-01 | |
Sunrise with a Sea Monster PB | Jordan, Neil | GF42-02 | |
The Dream of a Beast | Jordan, Neil | GF42-03 | |
Addition | Jordan, Toni | GF42-04 | |
The Rose Crossing | Jose, Nicholas | GF42-05 | |
Paper Nautilus | Jose, Nicholas | GF42-06 | |
The Custodians HB | Jose, Nicholas | GF42-07 | |
The Custodians PB | Jose, Nicholas | GF42-08 | |
The Red Thread | Jose, Nicholas | GF42-09 | |
Dangerously Innocent | Joseph, Nesrina | GF42-10 | |
Puccini's Ghosts | Joss, Morag | GF42-11 | |
Marcel and Elise | Jouhandeau, Marcel | GF42-12 | |
The Mineral Palace | Julavits, Heidi | GF42-13 | |
A Difficult Love | Jurgenson, Manfred | GF42-14 | |
Blue Heaven | Kagan, Elaine | GF42-15 | |
a disorder peculiar to the country | kalfus, ken | ||
Burning Times | Kalogridis, Jeanne | GF42-16 | |
the scarlet contessa | kalogridis, jeanne | ||
Cosette | Kalpakian, Laura | GF42-17 | |
Trying to Grow | Kanga, Firdaus | GF42-18 | |
Me Myself I | Karmel, Pip | GF42-19 | |
Daughters of the Twilight | Karodia, Farida | GF42-20 | |
The Shadow Man | Katzenbach, John | GF42-21 | |
The Philanderer | Kauffmann, Stanley | GF43-01 | |
Book Lover | Kaufman, Jennifer & Mack, Karen | GF43-02 | |
Fear of Custard | Kavanagh, Sarah | GF43-03 | |
Beauty and Sadness | Kawabata, Yasunari | GF43-04 | |
Taking Lottie Home | Kay, Terry | GF43-05 | |
The Understudy | Kazan, Eli | GF43-06 | |
The Rock Garden | Kazantzakis, Nikos | GF43-07 | |
Christ Re-crucified | Kazantzakis, Nikos | GF43-08 | |
Loving and Giving | Keane, Molly | GF43-09 | |
The Knight of Cheerful Countenance | Keane, Molly | GF43-10 | |
Time After Time | Keane, Molly | GF43-11 | |
Good Behaviour | Keane. Molly | GF43-12 | |
The Shadowy Horses | Kearsley, Susanna | GF43-13 | |
Blood Sisters | Keating, Barbara & Stephanie | GF43-14 | |
My Fat Brother | Keeble, Jim | GF43-15 | |
An Evil Cradling | Keenan, Brian | GF43-16 | |
Turlough | Keenan, Brian | GF43-17 | |
Blue Heaven | Keenan, Joe | GF43-18 | |
Wild Horses Don't Swim | Keenan, Michael | GF43-19 | |
Riding the Elephant | Keesing, Nancy | GF43-20 | |
Wobegon Bay | Keillor, Garrison | GF43-21 | |
Lake Wobegon Days | Keillor, Garrison | GF44-01 | |
We Are Still Married | Keillor, Garrison | GF44-02 | |
The Traveller | Kelleher, Victor | GF44-03 | |
Wintering HB | Kelleher, Victor | GF44-04 | |
Wintering PB | Kelleher, Victor | GF44-05 | |
Del-Del | Kelleher, Victor | GF44-06 | |
Moon Music | Kellerman, Faye | GF44-07 | |
Always and Forever | Kelly, Cathy | GF44-08 | |
The Landing Place | Kelly, Clint | GF44-09 | |
Fantastic Street | Kelly, David | GF44-10 | |
Black Diamonds | Kelly, Kim | GF44-11 | |
If I Should Die | Kelman, Judith | GF44-12 | |
the chant of jimmie blacksmith | keneally, thomas | ||
The Tyrant's Novel | Keneally, Tom | GF44-13 | |
A Family Madness | Keneally, Tom | GF44-14 | |
Three Cheers for the Paraclete | Keneally, Tom | GF44-15 | |
Bring Larks and Heroes | Keneally, Tom | GF44-16 | |
Towards Asmara | Keneally, Tom | GF44-17 | |
Passenger | Keneally, Tom | GF44-18 | |
American Scandal | Keneally, Tom | GF45-01 | |
A Dutiful Daughter | Keneally, Tom | GF45-02 | |
Jacko | Keneally, Tom | GF45-03 | |
The Fear | Keneally, Tom | GF45-04 | |
Season in Purgatory | Keneally, Tom | GF45-05 | |
The Playmaker | Keneally, Tom | GF45-06 | |
Women of the Inner Sea | Keneally, Tom | GF45-07 | |
Victim of the Aurora | Keneally, Tom | GF45-08 | |
Homebush Boy | Keneally, Tom | GF45-09 | |
Gossip from the Forest | Keneally, Tom | GF45-10 | |
Flying Hero Class | Keneally, Tom | GF45-11 | |
Blood Red Sister | Keneally, Tom | GF45-12 | |
Ned Kelly and the City of the Bees | Keneally, Tom | GF45-13 | |
The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith | Keneally, Tom | GF45-14 | |
The Cost of Living Like This | Kennaway, James | GF45-15 | |
Musica Ficta | Kennedy, Anne | GF45-16 | |
Roman Song | Kennedy, Brian | GF45-17 | |
The Job | Kennedy, Douglas | GF45-18 | SOLD |
The Pursuit of Happiness | Kennedy, Douglas | GF45-19 | SOLD |
the woman in the fifth | kennedy, douglas | ||
Quinn's Book | Kennedy, William | GF45-20 | |
Roscoe | Kennedy, William | GF45-21 | |
The Bus Driver Who Wanted to Be God & other stories | Keret, Etgar | GF46-01 | |
Recipes for a Perfect Marriage | Kerrigan, Kate | GF46-02 | |
The Heritage | Keyes, Frances Parkinson | GF46-03 | |
This Charming Man | Keyes, Marian | GF46-04 | |
Angels | Keyes, Marian | GF46-05 | |
The Other Side of the Story | Keyes, Marian | GF46-06 | |
Sushi for Beginners | Keyes, Marian | GF46-07 | |
Lucy Sullivan's Getting Married | Keyes, Marian | GF46-08 | |
Lucy Sullivan's Getting Married + Watermelon | Keyes, Marian | GF46-09 | |
Anybody Out There? | Keyes, Marian | GF46-10 | |
the brightest star in the sky | keyes, marian | ||
The Swallows of Kabul | Khabra, Yasmina | GF46-11 | |
Homecoming | Khan, Adib | GF46-12 | |
Visible Obscurity | Khouri, Anthony | GF46-13 | |
The Mermaid Chair | Kidd, Sue Monk | GF46-14 | |
Visible Panty Line | Killeen, Gretel | GF46-15 | |
Soldiers in the Mist | Kilworth, Garry Douglas | GF46-16 | |
The Way the Family Got Away | Kimball, Michael | GF46-17 | |
Mouth to Mouth | Kimball, Michael | GF46-18 | |
A Small Place | Kincaid, Jamaica | GF46-20 | |
The Autobiography of My Mother | Kincaid, Jamaica | GF46-21 | |
Queen of Broken Hearts | King, Cassandra | GF46-22 | |
Sunday Wife | King, Cassandra | GF46-23 | |
Justice Hall | King, Laurie R. | GF46-24 | |
The Pleasing Hour | King, Lily | GF46-25 | |
Alba | King, Rachel | GF46-26 | |
Domino | King, Ross | GF46-27 | |
Ex Libris | King, Ross | GF47-01 | |
The Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn | Kingsley, Henry | GF47-02 | |
A Tale of Whales | Kingsley, Robin | GF47-03 | |
Prodigal Summer | Kingsolver, Barbara | GF47-05 | |
Homeland and other stories | Kingsolver, Barbara | GF47-06 | |
Homeland | Kingsolver, Barbara | GF47-07 | |
Pigs in Heaven | Kingsolver, Barbara | GF47-08 | |
The Bean Trees | Kingsolver, Barbara | GF47-09 | |
The Poisonwood Bible | Kingsolver, Barbara | GF47-10 | |
The Woman Warrior | Kingston, Maxine Hong | GF47-11 | |
China Men | Kingston, Maxine Hong | GF47-12 | |
The Journey In | Kingsworth, Joss | GF47-04 | |
Long Afternoon of the World | Kinross-Smith, Graeme | GF47-13 | |
the undomesticated goddess | kinsella, sophie | ||
There Must Be a Pony | Kirkwood, Jim | GF47-14 | |
Taking a Fool to Paradise | Kirwan, Valerie | GF47-15 | |
Under the Same Sun | Kissane, Andy | GF47-16 | |
Travelling Light | Kittle, Katrina | GF47-17 | |
would you? A modern love story | kizis, deanna | ||
Agnes Mallory | Klavan, Andrew | GF47-18 | |
The Heart in the Casket | Klein, Colleen | GF47-19 | |
Small Crimes in an Age of Abundance | Kneale, Matthew | GF47-20 | |
English Passengers | Kneale, Matthew | GF47-21 | |
Sweet Thames | Kneale, Matthew | GF47-22 | |
Inside Rose's Kingdom | Kneale, Matthew | GF47-23 | |
The Vintner's Luck | Knox, Elizabeth | GF47-24 | |
Summerland | Knox, Malcolm | GF47-25 | |
The Treatment and the Cure | Kocan, Peter | GF47-26 | |
The Double Man HB | Koch, C.J. | GF47-29 | |
The Double Man PB | Koch, C.J. | GF47-30 | |
The Year of Living Dangerously | Koch, C.J. | GF47-31 | |
Out of Ireland | Koch, Christopher | GF47-27 | |
The Many Coloured Land and Return to Ireland | Koch, Christopher | GF47-28 | |
The Year of Living Dangerously | koch, christopher | ||
Fifteen Rubies by Candlelight | Koea, Shonagh | GF48-01 | |
The Outcast at 19 Schuyler Place | Konigsberg, C.L. | GF48-02 | |
The Historian | Kostova, Elizabeth | GF48-03 | |
Samovar | Koval, Ramona | GF48-04 | |
The Good Neighbour | Kowalski, William | GF48-05 | |
Eddie's Bastard | Kowalski, William | GF48-06 | |
The Nanny Diaries | Kraus, Nicole & McLaughlin, Emma | GF48-07 | |
Matilda, My Darling | Krauth, Nigel | GF48-08 | |
The Carpet Wars | Kremmer, Christopher | GF48-09 | |
Bamboo Palace | Kremmer, Christopher | GF48-10 | |
Pegasus in the Suburbs | Kremmer, Jennifer | GF48-11 | |
The Hamilton Case | Kretser, Michelle de | GF48-12 | |
The Rose Grower | Kretser, Michelle de | GF48-13 | |
The Lost Dog | Kretser, Michelle de | GF48-14 | |
The Dolphin People | Krol, Torsten | GF48-15 | |
The Wilderness Family | Kruger, Kobie | GF48-16 | |
Life on the Refrigerator Door | Kuipers, Alice | GF48-17 | |
Boogaloo on Second Avenue | Kulansky, Mark | GF48-21 | |
The Impressionist | Kunzru, Hari | GF48-18 | |
Love in a Blue Time | Kureichi, Hanif | GF48-20 | |
Intimacy | Kureishi, Hanif | GF48-19 | |
Coronation Talkies | Kurosawa, Susan | GF48-22 | |
A Case of Curiosities | Kurzweil, Allen | GF48-23 | |
The Grand Complication | Kurzweil, Allen | GF48-24 | |
Running Scared | Ladd, Linda | GF48-25 | |
interpreter of maladies | lahiri, jhumpa | ||
She's Come Undone | Lamb, Wally | GF48-26 | |
Love Among the Single Classes | Lambert, Angela | GF48-27 | |
The Constant Mistress | Lambert, Angela | GF48-28 | |
Players | Lambert, Nina | GF48-29 | |
The Best Thing | Lanagan, Margo | GF49-02 | |
White Time | Lanagan, Margo | GF49-03 | |
The Debt to Pleasure | Lanchester, John | GF49-04 | |
Mr Phillips | Lanchester, John | GF49-05 | |
Fragrant Harbour | Lanchester, John | GF49-06 | |
What Katya Did Next | Land, Adele | GF49-11 | |
The Raven | Landerman, Peter | GF49-07 | |
Longing | Landis, J.D. | GF49-08 | |
The Tall Pine | Landvik, Lorna | GF49-09 | |
Hectic | Lane, Terry | GF49-10 | |
Gossip | Lange, Kelly | GF49-12 | |
Blue Moon | Langenberg, Carolyn van | GF49-13 | |
White Topee | Langley, Eve | GF49-14 | |
Peristent Rumours | Langley, Lee | GF49-15 | |
Blanket Boy's Moon | Lanham, Peter | GF49-15a | |
Sweet Alice | Lansbury, Coral | GF49-16 | |
Everybody's Daughter, Nobody's Child | Lapotaire, Jane | GF49-17 | |
Liar | Larblestier, Justine | GF49-18 | |
Some Champions | Lardner, Ring | GF49-19 | |
The Devil in White City | Larson, Erik | GF49-20 | |
Long John Silver | Larsson, Björn | GF49-21 | |
Blackbird | Lauck, Jennifer | GF49-22 | |
Cal | Laverty, Bernard Mac | GF49-23 | |
Never No More | Laverty, Maura | GF49-24 | |
Savvy | Law, Ingrid | GF49-25 | |
In the Half-Light | Lawrence, Anthony | GF49-26 | |
Small Eternities | Lawrence, Michael | GF49-27 | |
The Lightning Keeper | Lawrence, Starling | GF49-28 | |
Crow Lake | Lawson, Mary | GF49-29 | |
the interrogation | le clezio, j m g | ||
The Witch of Cologne | Learner, Tobshe | GF49-30 | |
While England Sleeps | Leavitt, David | GF49-31 | |
La Batarde | Leduc, Violette | GF49-32 | |
Aloft | Lee, Chang-Rae | GF49-33 | |
Belly Dancer | Lee, Sky | GF49-34 | |
The Same Old Story | Legasse, James | GF49-35 | |
A Sea-Grade Tree | Lehmann, Rosamond | GF49-36 | |
The Hunter | Leigh, Julie | GF49-37 | |
Dying Young | Lembach, Marti | GF49-38 | |
Love and Houses | Lembach, Marti | GF49-39 | |
Red Moon | Lemieux, Jean | GF49-40 | |
In the Fall | Lent, Jeffrey | GF49-41 | |
The Heritage | Lenz, Siegfried | GF49-42 | |
Alfred and Emily | Lessing, Doris | GF50-02 | |
The Four-Gated City | Lessing, Doris | GF50-03 | |
Briefing for a descent into Hell | Lessing, Doris | GF50-03a | |
the cleft. | lessing, doris | ||
The Snow Pony | Lester, Alison | GF50-01 | |
How To Kill Your Husband | Lette, Kathy | GF50-04 | |
Dead Sexy | Lette, Kathy | GF50-05 | |
The llama Parlour | Lette, Kathy | GF50-06 | |
Altar Ego | Lette, Kathy | GF50-07 | |
Mad Cows | Lette, Kathy | GF50-08 | |
Foetal Attraction | Lette, Kathy | GF50-09 | |
Where the Heart Is | Letts, Billie | GF50-10 | sold |
Shadow of the Lords | Levack, Simon | GF50-11 | |
Swaybelly | Levien, D.J. | GF50-12 | |
Settling the Score | Levin, Michael | GF50-13 | |
The Long Song HB | Levy, Andrea | GF50-14 | |
The Long Song PB | Levy, Andrea | GF50-15 | |
Small Island | Levy, Andrea | GF50-16 | |
the long song | levy, andrea | ||
The Unloved | Levy, Deborah | GF50-17 | |
The Covenant | Lewis, Beverley | GF50-18 | |
Crow on a Barbed Wire Fence | Lewis, Harold | GF50-19 | |
House Rules | Lewis, Heather | GF50-20 | |
The Wife of Martin Guerre | Lewis, Janet | GF50-21 | |
A Goddess in the Stones | Lewis, Norman | GF50-22 | |
We Are All Made of Glue | Lewycka, Marina | GF50-23 | |
a short history of tractors in ukranian | lewycka, marina | ||
The Eye of Jade | Liang, Diane Wei | GF50-24 | |
the eye of jade | liang, diane wei | ||
Rodinsky's Room | Lichtenstein, Rachel & Sinclair, Iain | GF50-25 | |
The Song of Silver Frond | Lim, Catherine | GF50-26 | |
The Bondmaid | Lim, Catherine | GF50-27 | |
The Serpent's Tooth | Lim, Catherine | GF50-28 | |
The Teardrop Story Woman | Lim, Catherine | GF50-29 | |
Dying for Cake | Limerick, Louise | GF50-30 | |
The Inventor | Lind, Jakov | GF50-31 | |
the private papers of eastern jewel | lindley, maureen | ||
The Breadmaker's Carnival | Lindsay, Andrew | GF50-32 | |
Halway to Anywhere | Lindsay, Norman | GF50-33 | |
Age of Consent | Lindsay, Norman | GF50-34 | |
The Flyaway Highway | Lindsay, Norman | GF50-35 | |
The Cousin from Fiji | Lindsay, Norman | GF50-36 | |
The Pursuit of Alice Thrift | Lipman, Elinor | GF50-37 | |
The Inn at Lake Devine | Lipman, Elinor | GF50-38 | |
Something to Fall Back On | Lipman, Maureen | GF50-39 | |
Homestead | Lippi, Rosina | GF50-40 | |
Carrie Pilby | Lissner, Caren | GF50-41 | |
Dear Henry | Little, Brenda | GF50-42 | |
Knowing Sophie | Little, Brenda | GF50-43 | |
The Photograph | Lively, Penelope | GF50-44 | |
City of the Mind | Lively, Penelope | GF50-45 | |
Banishing Verona | Livesey, Margot | GF50-46 | |
The Dirt Bath | Livingstone, Paul | GF50-47 | |
Playing with Water | Llewellyn, Kate | GF50-48 | |
The Feast of the Goat | Llosa, Mario Vargas | GF51-01 | |
The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta | Llosa, Mario Vargas | GF51-02 | |
Come Together | Lloyd, Josie & Rees, Emlyn | GF51-03 | |
We Are Family | Lloyd, Josie & Rees, Emlyn | GF51-04 | |
peace, love and khaki socks | lock, kim | ||
Therapy HB | Lodge, David | GF51-05 | |
Therapy PB | Lodge, David | GF51-06 | |
Nice Work | Lodge, David | GF51-07 | |
Changing Places | Lodge, David | GF51-08 | |
the king's pleasure | lofts, norah | ||
Shadow Box | Logue, Antoni | GF51-09 | |
The Reading Group | Lohrey, Amanda | GF51-10 | |
Camille's Bread | Lohrey, Amanda | GF51-11 | |
camille's bread | lohrey, amanda | ||
Sundowners | Lokko, Lesley | GF51-12 | |
Turtle Nest | Lokuge, Chandani | GF51-13 | |
Camera Obscura | Lomer, Kathryn | GF51-14 | |
Ferney | Long, James | GF51-15 | |
SIlence and Shadows HB | Long, James | GF51-16 | |
SIlence and Shadows PB | Long, James | GF51-17 | |
Kiss Hollywood Goodbye | Loos, Anita | GF51-18 | |
Cantora | Lopez-Medina, Sylvia | GF51-19 | |
Jumbo | Lord, Gabrielle | GF51-20 | |
White City Blue | Lott, Tim | GF51-21 | |
The Field of the Star | Louard, Nicholas | GF51-27 | |
Relative Stranger | Loudon, Mary | GF51-22 | |
Off the Mangrove Coast | Louis L'Amour | GF49-01 | |
Somewhere Along the Line | Lourie, Michele | GF51-23 | |
Running Scared | Lowell, Elizabeth | GF51-24 | |
the wrong hostage | lowell, elizabeth | ||
Letty Lynton | Lowndes, Mrs Belloc | GF51-25 | |
Under the Volcano | Lowry, Malcolm | GF51-26 | |
emerald | luard, elisabeth | ||
A Road with No End | Lubis, Mochtar | GF51-28 | |
Who Moved My Blackberry? | Lukes, Martin | GF51-29 | |
Under the Influence | Lunn, Jacqueline | GF51-30 | |
The Truth About Lorin Jones | Lurie, Alison | GF51-31 | |
Imaginary Friends | Lurie, Alison | GF51-32 | |
Foreign Affairs | Lurie, Alison | GF51-33 | |
Women and Ghosts | Lurie, Alison | GF51-34 | |
The Nowhere City | Lurie, Alison | GF51-35 | |
Madness | Lurie, Morris | GF51-36 | |
Rappaport's Revenge | Lurie, Morris | GF51-37 | |
In the Golden Days | Lyall, Edna | GF51-38 | |
Cleanskin | Lynch, Gay | GF51-39 | |
The Highest Tide | Lynch, Jim | GF51-40 | |
The Swashbuckler | Lynch, Lee | GF51-41 | |
Hallelujah Flight | Lynn, Jack | GF51-42 | |
Mayday | Lynn, Jonathan | GF51-43 | |
The Water Underneath | Lyons, Kate | GF51-44 | |
Peacocks Dancing | Maas, Sharon | GF52-01 | |
sex and the single vampire | macalister, katie | ||
Generation | MacAllan, Andrew | GF52-02 | |
They Were Defeated | MacAuley, Rose | GF52-03 | |
No Safe Place | MacColl, Mary-Rose | GF52-04 | |
Softly My Grief | MacDonald, Ann | GF52-05 | |
The Way the Crow Flies | MacDonald, Ann-Marie | GF52-06 | |
Fall on Your Knees | MacDonald, Ann-Marie | GF52-07 | |
Speaking to Miranda | MacDonald, Caroline | GF52-08 | |
Cape Breton Road | MacDonald, D.R. | GF52-09 | |
The Lotus Eaters | MacDonald, Marianne | GF52-10 | |
Absolute Beginners | MacInnes, Colin | GF52-11 | |
City of Spades | MacInnes, Colin | GF52-12 | |
Mr Love and Justice | MacInnes, Colin | GF52-13 | |
The Unconquerable | MacInnes, Helen | GF52-14 | |
Little Lies | Mackay, Hugh | GF52-15 | |
House Guest | Mackay, Hugh | GF52-16 | |
Winter Close | Mackay, Hugh | GF52-17 | |
Ways of Escape | Mackay, Hugh | GF52-18 | |
Tethered | MacKinnon, Amy | GF52-19 | |
The Great Profundo and other stories | MacLaverty, Bernard | GF52-20 | |
No Great Mischief | MacLeod, Alistair | GF52-21 | |
204 rosewood lane | macomber, debbie | ||
She Woke Up Married | Macpherson, Suzanne | GF52-22 | |
The Fundamentals of Play | Maddox, Brenda | GF52-23 | |
Touching the Sky | Madison, Susan | GF52-24 | |
The Colour of Hope | Madison, Susan | GF52-25 | |
The Rules of Seduction | Magida, Daniel L. | GF52-26 | |
Hanabeke | Magnus, Dudley St John | GF52-27 | |
Palace of Desire | Mahfouz, Naguib | GF52-28 | |
Sugar Street | Mahfouz, Naguib | GF52-29 | |
The Journey of Ibn Fattouma | Mahfouz, Naguib | GF52-30 | |
The Gospel According to the Son | Mailer, Norman | GF52-31 | |
Miami and the Siege of Chicago | Mailer, Norman | GF52-32 | |
Windmill Summer | Mailer, Norris Church | GF52-33 | |
Sapper | Maitland, Jim | GF52-34 | |
Travelling Hopefully | Makepeace, Maggie | GF52-35 | |
Dublin's Lives | Malamud, Bernard | GF52-38 | |
The Fixer | Malamud, Bernard | GF52-39 | |
Pictures of Fidelman | Malamud, Bernard | GF52-40 | |
God's Grace | Malamud, Bernard | GF52-41 | |
A Breath of Fresh Air | Malladi, Amulya | GF52-42 | |
The Nizam's Daughters | Mallinson, Allan | GF52-43 | |
Lucia's Measure | Malone, Angela | GF52-44 | |
The Brush-off | Maloney, Shane | GF53-01 | |
The Great World | Malony, David | GF53-02 | |
Fly Away Peter | Malony, David | GF53-03 | |
Child's Play | Malony, David | GF53-04 | |
12 Edmonstone Street | Malony, David | GF53-05 | |
remembering babylon | malouf, david | ||
Ready or Not | Manby, Chris | GF53-06 | |
Tiger Hills | Mandanna, Sarita | GF53-07 | sold |
Alexander, Child of a Dream | Manfredi, Valerio Massimo | GF53-08 | |
The Firewalkers | Mangala, Christine | GF53-09 | |
The Return | Maniam, K.S. | GF53-10 | |
The Children Must Dance | Maniaty, Tony | GF53-11 | |
Secrets in the Fire | Mankell, Henning | GF53-12 | |
Cockatrice | Mankowitz, Wolf | GF53-13 | |
Telling Only Lies | Mann, Jessica | GF53-14 | |
Season of the Monsoon | Mann, Paul | GF53-15 | |
The Dark Forest | Mannin, Ethel | GF53-16 | |
The Doves of Venus | Manning, Olivia | GF53-17 | |
School for Love | Manning, Olivia | GF53-18 | |
Fludd | Mantel, Hilary | GF53-19 | |
The Wilder Sisters | Mapson, JoAnn | GF53-20 | |
Conversations in Bolzano | Marai, Sandor | GF53-21 | |
Embers | Marai, Sandor | GF53-22 | |
The Silent Duchess | Maraine, Dacia | GF53-23 | |
Dawn Song | Marano, Michael | GF53-24 | |
The House of Elliott | March, Jean | GF53-38 | |
Finnikin of the Rock | Marchetta, Melina | GF53-25 | |
On the Jellicoe Road | Marchetta, Melina | GF53-26 | sold |
Saving Francesca | Marchetta, Melina | GF53-27 | in textbooks, SOLD |
Casa Rossa | Marciano, Francesca | GF53-28 | |
Rules of the Wild | Marciano, Francesca | GF53-29 | |
Scrap Iron Blues | Marechera, Dambudzo | GF53-30 | |
The Other Mother | Margolis, Seth | GF53-31 | |
Nectar in a Sieve | Markandaya, Kamala | GF53-32 | |
Slightly Single | Markham, Wendy | GF53-33 | |
Unicorn Among the Wattles | Marks, Harry | GF53-34 | |
dared and done | markus, julia | ||
The Plague Race | Marriott, Edward | GF53-35 | |
The Blazing Tower | Marriott, R.B. | GF53-36 | |
Winter | Marsden, John | GF53-37 | |
The Trouser People | Marshall, Andrew | GF53-39 | |
Christie | Marshall, Catherine | GF53-40 | |
Walkabout | Marshall, James Vance | GF53-41 | |
The Chosen Place, the Timeless People | Marshall, Paule | GF53-42 | |
A Nest of Magpies | Marshall, Sybil | GF53-43 | |
Beyond Duck River | Martin, Angela | GF53-44 | |
The Big Domino in the Sky | Martin, Michael | GF53-45 | |
The Pleasure of My Company | Martin, Steve | GF53-46 | |
Shopgirl | Martin, Steve | GF53-47 | |
A Recent Martyr | Martin, Valerie | GF53-48 | |
Italian Fever | Martin, Valerie | GF53-49 | |
Mother Tongue | Martinez, Demetria | GF53-50 | |
Tirant Lo Blanc | Martorell, Joanot & Galba, Marti Joan de | GF54-01 | |
Waterwings | Marysmith, Joan | GF54-02 | |
Ava | Maso, Carole | GF54-03 | |
Angel | Mason, Anita | GF54-04 | |
In Country | Mason, Bobbie Ann | GF54-05 | |
The Piano Tuner | Mason, Daniel | GF54-06 | |
What Men Think About Sex | Mason, Mark | GF54-07 | |
The Drowning People | Mason, Richard | GF54-08 | |
The World of Suzy Wong | Mason, Richard | GF54-09 | |
The Lighted Rooms | Mason, Richard | GF54-10 | |
Nero's Heirs | Massie, Allan | GF54-11 | |
Amy's Children | Masters, Olga | GF54-12 | |
The Second Coming | Masterson, Andrew | GF54-13 | |
Death of the Author | Masterson, Andrew | GF54-14 | |
The Last Days: The Apocryphon of Joe Pander | Masterson, Andrew | GF54-15 | |
The Break in the Line | Mather, Perkely | GF54-16 | |
Muesli at Midnight | Mathews, Aidan | GF54-17 | |
The Boy He Left Behind | Matousek, Mark | GF54-18 | |
Cloud of Sparrows | Matsuoka, Takashi | GF54-19 | |
Sacred Site | Matthews, Christopher | GF54-20 | |
Nine-headed Dragon River | Matthiessen, Peter | GF54-21 | |
The Tree Where Man Was Born | Matthiessen, Peter | GF54-22 | |
the snow leopard | matthiessen, peter | ||
blue meridian | matthiessen, peter | ||
Rembrandt's Whore | Matton, Sylvie | GF54-23 | |
Sure of You | Maupin, Armistead | GF54-24 | |
Maybe the Moon | Maupin, Armistead | GF54-25 | |
Canone Inverso HB | Maurensig, Paulo | GF54-26 | |
Canone Inverso PB | Maurensig, Paulo | GF54-27 | |
The Lüneburg Variation | Maurensig, Paulo | GF54-28 | |
The Knot of Vipers | Mauriac, Francois | GF54-29 | |
Castle D'Or | Maurier, Daphne du | GF54-30 | |
The Weigher of Souls | Maurois, Andre | GF54-31 | |
Behaving Like Adults | Maxted, Anne | GF54-32 | |
Virgin | Maxwell, Robin | GF54-33 | |
the secret diary of anne boleyn | maxwell, robin | ||
Claudia, Daughter of Rome | May, Antoinette | GF54-34 | |
The Rose Notes | Mayes, Andrea | GF54-35 | |
Hands in Contrary Motion | Mayfield, Sue | GF54-36 | |
The Letterbox War of Kamarooka Street | Maynard, Jeff | GF54-37 | |
Venous Hum | Mayr, Suzette | GF54-38 | |
Miracle at St Anna | McBride, James | GF54-39 | |
The Color of Water | McBride, James | GF54-40 | |
Emerald Germs of Ireland | McCabe, Patrick | GF54-41 | |
Nop's Trials | McCaig, Donald | GF54-43 | |
Stories for the Old Man | McCall, Rupert | GF54-42 | |
The Seven Ordeals of Count Cagliosto | McCalman, Iain | GF54-44 | |
Spinners | McCarten, Anthony | GF54-45 | |
The Falconer | McCarthy, Elaine Clark | GF54-46 | |
Cannibals and Missionaries | McCarthy, Mary | GF54-47 | |
Chain of Hearts | McCarthy, Maureen | GF55-01 | |
When You Wake and Find Me Gone | McCarthy, Maureen | GF55-02 | |
Cross My Heart | McCarthy, Maureen | GF55-03 | |
Rose By Any Other Name | McCarthy, Maureen | GF55-04 | |
The White Darkness | McCaughrean, Geraldine | GF55-05 | |
Wedlock | McCluskey, Margaret | GF55-06 | |
The Snow Queen | McConnnochie, Mardi | GF55-07 | |
coldwater | mcconnochie, mardi | ||
The Last Companion | McCormack, Patrick | GF55-08 | |
Tis | McCourt, Frank | GF55-09 | |
Angela's Ashes | McCourt, Frank | GF55-10 | |
A Monk Swimming | McCourt, Malachi | GF55-11 | |
The Goant's House | McCracken, Elizabeth | GF55-12 | |
Niagara Falls All Over Again | McCracken, Elizabeth | GF55-13 | |
Tim | McCullough, Colleen | GF55-14 | |
The Ladies of Mussalonghi | McCullough, Colleen | GF55-15 | |
The Song of Troy | McCullough, Colleen | GF55-16 | |
An Indecent Obsession | McCullough, Colleen | GF55-17 | |
On, Off | McCullough, Colleen | GF55-18 | |
The Touch | McCullough, Colleen | GF55-19 | |
the song of troy | mccullough, colleen | ||
angel | mccullough, colleen | sold | |
Red Dust | McDonald, Fleur | GF55-20 | |
The Ballad of Desmond Kale | McDonald, Roger | GF55-21 | |
The Slap | McDonald, Roger | GF55-22 | |
Shearer's Motel | McDonald, Roger | GF55-23 | |
Flynn | McDonald, Roger | GF55-24 | |
Twelve | McDonell, Nick | GF55-25 | |
In Dahlia's Wake | McDonough, Yona | GF55-26 | |
Solar | McEwan, Ian | GF55-27 | |
The Comfort of Strangers | McEwan, Ian | GF55-28 | |
Atonement | McEwan, Ian | GF55-29 | sold |
the child in time | mcewan, ian | ||
atonement | mcewan, ian | ||
enduring love | mcewan, ian | ||
sweet tooth | mcewan, ian | ||
atonement | mcewan, ian | ||
Praise | McGahan, Andrew | GF55-30 | |
Last Drinks | McGahan, Andrew | GF55-31 | |
Ded Dead! | McGeachin, Geoffrey | GF55-33 | |
The Mysteries | McGill, Robert | GF55-35 | |
Things You Get for Free | McGirr, Michael | GF55-36 | |
Mrs Einstein | McGrail, Anna | GF56-01 | |
Schrodinger'a Baby | McGregor, H.R. | GF56-02 | |
Nothing but Blue Skies | McGuane, Thomas | GF56-03 | |
Laidlaw | McIlvanney, William | GF56-04 | |
The Kiln | McIlvanney, William | GF56-05 | |
Story of My Life | McInerney, Jay | GF56-06 | |
The house of memories | Mcinerney, Monica | ||
A Taste for it | Mcinerney, Monica | ||
The Faraday Girls | Mcinerney, Monica | ||
Humping My Bluey | McInnes, Graham | GF56-07 | |
Well | McIntosh, Andrew | GF56-08 | |
Fields of Gold | McIntosh, Fiona | GF56-29 | |
The Mango Tree | McKie, Ronald | GF56-09 | |
The Crushing | McKie, Ronald | GF56-10 | |
The Crime of Olga Arbyelina | McKine, Andrew | GF52-36 | |
A Life's Music | McKine, Andrew | GF52-37 | |
Lands Beyond the Sea | McKinley, Tamara | GF56-11 | |
Windflowers | McKinley, Tamara | GF56-12 | |
Press Send | McLaren, John | GF56-13 | |
The Memory of Running | McLarty, Ron | GF56-14 | |
Bunker Man | McLean, Duncan | GF56-15 | |
Shore and Shelter | McLeod, Keith | GF56-16 | |
The Rose of Sebastopol | McMahon, Katherine | GF56-30 | |
Mama | McMillan, Terry | GF56-19 | |
Waiting to Exhale | McMillan, Terry | GF56-20 | |
How Stella Got Her Groove Back PB | McMillan, Terry | GF56-21 | |
How Stella Got Her Groove Back HB | McMillan, Terry | GF56-31 | |
The Evening Star | McMurtry, Larry | GF56-32 | |
The Dancing Floor | McNamara, Michael | GF56-22 | |
Resurrection Man | McNamee, Eoin | GF56-23 | |
Penelope's Islands | McNeish, James | GF56-24 | |
My Name Is Paradiso | McNeish, James | GF56-25 | |
The Sound of the Moon | McSwan, R.B. | GF56-26 | |
A Little Stranger | McWIlliam, Candia | GF56-27 | |
Debatable Land | McWilliam, Candia | GF56-28 | |
Charlotte Street | Mead, Juliette | GF56-33 | |
Intimate Strangers | Mead, Juliette | GF56-34 | |
Booty Nomad | Mebus, Scott | GF56-35 | |
Dreams of Longlasting | Medoff, Mark | GF56-36 | |
Adultery | Meehan, Maurilia | GF56-37 | |
The Salt of Broken Tears | Meehan, Michael | GF57-01 | |
The People's Act of Love | Meek, James | GF57-02 | |
Rosewater and Soda Bread | Mehran, Marsha | GF57-03 | |
The Ventriloquist's Tale | Melville, Pauline | GF57-04 | |
I Was Amelia Earhart | Mendelsohn, Jane | GF57-05 | |
A Race Across Burning Soil | Mendes, Clare | GF57-06 | |
Drift Street | Mendes, Clare | GF57-07 | |
Loving Che | Mendez, Ana | GF57-08 | |
Condor and Humming Bird | Mendez, Charlotte | GF57-09 | |
The Truth About the Savolta Case | Mendoza, Eduardo | GF57-10 | |
How the Hula Girl Sings | Meno, Joe | GF57-11 | |
Into the Sun | Meredith, Gwen | GF57-12 | |
The Lawsons | Meredith, Gwen | GF57-13 | |
Enchantment | Merkin, Daphne | GF57-14 | |
Arriving at Night | Merrifield, Lisa | GF57-15 | |
The Last Life | Messud, Claire | GF57-16 | |
Finn and the Big Guy | Metzenthen, David | GF57-17 | |
Stony Heart Country | Metzenthen, David | GF57-18 | |
A Foreign Father | Metzler, Paul | GF57-19 | |
the penny | meyer and bedford | ||
Encyclopaedia of Snow | Miano, Sarah Emily | GF57-20 | |
Fugitive Pieces | Michaels, Anne | GF57-21 | |
Grand Ambition | Michaels, Lisa | GF57-22 | |
The Leper's Bell | Micou, Paul | GF57-23 | |
I, Elizabeth | Miles, Rosalind | GF57-24 | |
Watching the Climbers on the Mountain | Miller, Alex | GF57-25 | |
a journey to the stone country | miller, alex | ||
Ingenious Pain | Miller, Andrew | GF57-26 | |
Oxygen | Miller, Andrew | GF57-27 | |
Lost Boys | Miller, James | GF57-28 | |
The Last One Who Remembers Patti Miller | Miller, James | GF57-29 | |
The Private Lives of Pippa Lee | Miller, Rebecca | GF57-30 | |
While I Was Gone | Miller, Sue | GF57-31 | |
Lost in the Forest | Miller, Sue | GF57-32 | |
The Senator's Wife | Miller, Sue | GF57-33 | |
For Love | Miller, Sue | GF57-34 | |
Martin Dressler | Millhouse, Steven | GF57-35 | |
the restraint of beasts | mills, magnus | ||
Amagansett | Mills, Mark | GF57-36 | |
Holding the Baby | Milne, Rosie | GF57-37 | |
Becoming Madam Mao | Min, Anchee | GF57-38 | |
Empress Orchid | Min, Anchee | GF57-39 | |
Isabel's Mine | Minchin, Devon | GF57-40 | |
54 | Ming, Wu | GF58-01 | |
Hello Missus | Minion, Lynne | GF58-02 | |
The Ladies' Auxiliary | Mirvis, Tova | GF58-03 | |
The Romantics | Mishra, Pankaj | GF58-04 | |
The Most Wanted | Mitchard, Jacquelyn | GF58-05 | |
A Theory of Relativity | Mitchard, Jacquelyn | GF58-06 | |
The Deep End of the Ocean | Mitchard, Jacquelyn | GF58-07 | |
Cage of Stars | Mitchard, Jacquelyn | GF58-07a | |
The deep end of the ocean | mitchard, jacquelyn | ||
Red File for Callan | Mitchell, James | GF58-08 | |
When the Boat Comes In: The Hungry Years | Mitchell, James | GF58-09 | |
Joe Gould's Secret | Mitchell, Joseph | GF58-10 | |
Lost Laysen | Mitchell, Margaret | GF58-11 | |
The Molly Fire | Mitchell, Michael | GF58-12 | |
Dodging the Bull | Mitchell, Paul | GF58-13 | |
Shiokari Pass | Miura, Ayako | GF58-14 | |
Milk Run | Mlynowski, Sarah | GF58-15 | |
The Monkey King | Mo, Timothy | GF58-16 | |
An Insular Possession | Mo, Timothy | GF58-17 | |
The Redundancy of Courage | Mo, Timothy | GF58-18 | |
The Search Warrant | Modiano, Patrick | GF58-19 | |
The Orchard | Modjeska, Drusilla | GF58-20 | |
Time, Like an Ever Rolling Stream | Moffett, Judith | GF58-21 | |
The Retreat of Radiance | Moffitt, Ian | GF58-22 | |
Tulip Fever | Moggach, Deborah | GF58-23 | |
In the Dark | Moggach, Deborah | GF58-24 | |
Close to Home | Moggach, Deborah | GF58-25 | |
A Dry Spell | Moloney, Susie | GF58-26 | |
Meet Me under the Ombu Tree | Montefiore, Santa | GF58-27 | |
Sea of Lost Love | Montefiore, Santa | GF58-28 | |
The French Gardener | Montefiore, Santa | GF58-29 | |
Purple America | Moody, Rick | GF58-31 | |
Playing with Fire | Moody, Susan | GF58-30 | |
Intimate Letters | Mooney, Bel | GF58-32 | |
Lies of Silence HB | Moore, Brian | GF58-33 | |
No Other Life | Moore, Brian | GF58-34 | |
The Magician's Wife HB | Moore, Brian | GF58-35 | |
An Answer from Limbo | Moore, Brian | GF58-36 | |
The Magician's Wife PB | Moore, Brian | GF58-37 | |
I Am Mary Dunne | Moore, Brian | GF58-38 | |
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearn | Moore, Brian | GF58-39 | |
Lies of Silence PB | Moore, Brian | GF58-40 | |
Dot.homme | Moore, Jane | GF58-41 | |
The Waters under the Earth | Moore, John | GF58-42 | |
The Virtuoso | Moore, Margaret de | GF58-43 | |
Frost on My Moustache | Moore, Tim | GF58-44 | |
Blue Blood | Moore, Viviane | GF58-45 | |
Tales of Mystery and Romance | Moorhouse, Frank | GF59-01 | |
Room Service | Moorhouse, Frank | GF59-02 | |
The Everlasting Secret Family | Moorhouse, Frank | GF59-03 | |
Late Shows | Moorhouse, Frank | GF59-04 | |
Days of Wine and Roses | Moorhouse, Frank | GF59-05 | |
Carolan's Concerto | Mor, Caseal | GF59-06 | |
The Judge's Story | Morgan, Charles | GF59-09 | |
Unnatural Fire | Morgan, Fidelis | GF59-07 | |
The Ambitious Stepmother | Morgan, Fidelis | GF59-08 | |
The Day My Publisher Turned into a Dog | Morgan, Gail | GF59-10 | |
Passion | Morgan, Jude | GF59-11 | |
Let There Be Lite | Morgan, Robert | GF59-12 | |
The Rock | Morgan, Robert | GF59-13 | |
Gap Creek | Morgan, Robert | GF59-14 | |
The Truest Pleasure | Morgan, Robert | GF59-15 | |
Delphinium Blues | Morgan, Stevie | GF59-16 | |
The Wild Geese | Mori, Ogai | GF59-17 | |
what alice forgot | moriarty, alice | ||
Feeling Sorry for Celia | Moriarty, Jaclyn | GF59-18 | |
The Great Longing | Möring, Marcel | GF59-19 | |
Albion, Albion | Morland, Dick | GF59-20 | |
The Oldest Obsession | Morley, Annette | GF60-01 | |
A Feast of Fools | Morley, John David | GF59-21 | |
Astonishing Splashes of Colour | Morrall, Clare | GF59-22 | |
Mad Meg | Morrison, Sally | GF59-23 | |
The Bluest Eye | Morrison, Toni | GF59-24 | |
The Song Master | Morrissey, Di | GF59-25 | |
The Plantation | Morrissey, Di | GF59-25a | |
Barra Creek | Morrissey, Di | GF59-25b | |
The Pretender | Morrissy, Mary | GF59-26 | |
The Diviner's Tale | Morrow, Bradford | GF59-27 | |
Trinity Fields | Morrow, Bradford | GF59-28 | |
Giovanni's Gift | Morrow, Bradford | GF59-29 | |
The Cotton Queen | Morsi, Pamela | GF59-30 | |
Paradise Postponed | Mortimer, John | GF59-31 | |
Summer's Lease | Mortimer, John | GF59-32 | |
Rumpole for the Defence | Mortimer, John | GF59-33 | |
Titmuss Regained | Mortimer, John | GF59-34 | |
The House | Mortimer, Penelope | GF59-35 | |
The Pumpkin Eater | Mortimer, Penelope | GF59-36 | |
The Shifting Fog | Morton, Kate | GF59-37 | |
The Forgotten Garden | Morton, Kate | GF59-38 | |
the distant hours | morton. Kate | ||
The Lottery | Moser, Nancy | GF59-39 | |
Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned | Mosley, Walter | GF59-40 | |
R.L.'s Dream | Mosley, Walter | GF59-41 | |
Sepulchre | Mosse, Kate | GF59-42 | |
Wainewright, the Poisoner | Motion, Andrew | GF59-43 | |
Dancing to the Moon | Moyer, Marsha | GF60-02 | |
Night Music | Moyes, Jojo | GF60-03 | |
Silver Bay | Moyes, Jojo | GF60-04 | |
Sheltering Rain | Moyes, Jojo | GF60-05 | |
Foreign Fruit | Moyes, Jojo | GF60-06 | |
Parting Is All We Know of Heaven | Moynihan, Molly | GF60-07 | |
Wild Cat Falling | Mudrooroo | GF60-08 | |
Nothing for You, Love | Muir, Helen | GF60-09 | |
Suffragette City | Muir, Kate | GF60-10 | |
Revelations of a Spanish Infanta | Muirden, Sallie | GF60-11 | |
A Woman of Seville | Muirden, Sallie | GF60-12 | |
The Holder of the World | Mukherjee, Bharati | GF60-13 | |
Araby | Mulroney, Gretta | GF60-14 | |
runaway | munro, alice | ||
The Woman on the Mountain | Munro, Sharyn | GF60-15 | |
sputnik sweetheart | murakami, haruki | sold | |
the wind-up bird chronicles | murakami, haruki | sold | |
the bell | murdoch, iris | ||
a severed head | murdoch, iris | ||
The Plains | Murnane, Gerald | GF60-16 | |
A Lifetime of Clouds | Murnane, Gerald | GF60-17 | |
Raincheck on Timbuktu | Murphy, Kirsten | GF60-18 | |
raincheck on timbuktu | murphy, kirsten | ||
Children of the Wind | Murray, Kirsty | GF60-19 | |
Judgement Rock | Murray-Smith, Joanne | GF60-20 | |
Underground | MvGahan, Andrew | GF55-32 | |
Fat, Fifty and Fxxxed! | MvGeachin, Geoffrey | GF55-34 | |
the touch | myerson, julie | ||
Transplanted | Myles, Sarah | GF60-21 | |
Last Rights | Nadel, Barbara | GF60-22 | |
Moonlight on the Avenue of Faith | Nahai, Gina B. | GF60-23 | |
Love and Death in a Hot Country | Naipul, Shiva | GF60-24 | |
Beyond the Dragon's Mouth | Naipul, Shiva | GF60-25 | |
Half-Life | Naipul, V.S. | GF60-26 | |
The Bachelor of Arts | Narayen, R.K. | GF60-27 | |
The Painter of Signd | Narayen, R.K. | GF60-28 | |
Doin' Wildcat | Narogin, Mudrooroo | GF60-29 | |
Ahab's Wife | Naslund, Sena Jeta | GF60-30 | |
Late Night on Watling Street | Naughton, Bill | GF60-31 | |
the faustian equation | neilson, tim | ||
Perverse Acts | Nelson, Camilla | GF60-32 | |
David Golder | Nemirovsky, Irene | GF60-33 | |
Cat Call | Newbery, Linda | GF60-34 | |
Nevermore | Newbery, Linda | GF60-35 | |
In the Season of the Sun | Newcomb, Kerry | GF60-36 | |
The Man Who Painted Women | Newton, John | GF60-37 | |
At the Scent of Water | Nichols, Linda | GF60-38 | |
The Good Mayor | Nicoll, Andrew | GF60-39 | |
Faded Portraits | Nijs, F. Breton de | GF60-40 | |
halfway house | noel, katherine | ||
The Banyan Tree | Nolan, Christopher | GF60-41 | |
Needle in the Groove | Noon, Jeff | GF60-42 | |
Vurt | Noon, Jeff | GF60-43 | |
The Pope's Rhinoceros | Norfolk, Lawrence | GF60-44 | |
Lempriere's Distionary | Norfolk, Lawrence | GF61-01 | |
The Museum Guard | Norman, Howard | GF61-02 | |
The Ship of Fools | Norminton, Gregory | GF61-03 | |
Worldly Goods | North, Elizabeth | GF61-04 | |
Home Truths | North, Freya | GF61-05 | |
The Idiot Girl's Action Adventure Club | Notaro, Laurie | GF61-06 | |
Shooting the Moon | Nowra, Louis | GF61-07 | |
The Misery of Beauty | Nowra, Louis | GF61-08 | |
Maralinga | Nunn, Judy | GF61-09 | sold |
Tiger Men | Nunn, Judy | GF61-10 | sold |
beneath the southern cross | nunn, judy | sold | |
My Dream of You | O' Faolain, Nuala | GF61-32 | |
Scenes Originating in the Garden of Eden | Oakley, Ann | GF61-11 | |
Matilda's Mistake | Oakley, Ann | GF61-12 | |
The Men's Room | Oakley, Ann | GF61-13 | |
The Craziplane | Oakley, Barry | GF61-14 | |
A Wild Ass of a Man | Oakley, Barry | GF61-15 | |
A Salute to the Great McCarthy | Oakley, Barry | GF61-16 | |
I'll Take You There | Oates, Joyce Carol | GF61-17 | |
We Were the Mulvaneys | Oates, Joyce Carol | GF61-18 | |
Casualties at Peace | O'Brien, Edna | GF61-19 | |
Returning | O'Brien, Edna | GF61-20 | |
The Poor Mouth | O'Brien, Flarin | GF61-21 | |
July, July | O'Brien, Tim | GF61-22 | |
In the Lake of the Woods | O'Brien, Tim | GF61-23 | |
Shell Game | O'Connell, Carol | GF61-24 | |
tuvala | o'connor, andrew | ||
Here Comes John | O'Connor, Bridget | GF61-25 | |
The Irish Man | O'Connor, Elizabeth | GF61-26 | |
The Believers | O'Connor, Joseph | GF61-27 | |
Inishowen | O'Connor, Joseph | GF61-28 | |
Across the Western | O'Connor, Patrick | GF61-29 | |
Back Roads | O'Dell, Tawni | GF61-30 | |
The Strange Case of Mademoiselle R | O'Doherty, P. Brian | GF61-31 | |
The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox | O'Farrell, Maggie | GF61-33 | sold |
My Lover's Lover | O'Farrell, Maggie | GF61-34 | sold |
World in Dust | Offenberg, Kurt | GF61-35 | |
No Boundary Fence | O'Grady, Frank | GF61-36 | |
Personality | O'Hagan, Andrew | GF61-37 | |
Death and a Madonna | O'Hagan, Joan | GF61-38 | |
The Blue Feather | O'Hara, Michael & Crew, Gary | GF61-39 | |
Walking into the Night | Olafson, Olaf | GF61-40 | |
Absolution | Olafson, Olaf | GF61-41 | |
The Account of Martin Bron | Olbrech, Freny | GF62-01 | |
Down in the Breakie | Olson, William | GF62-02 | |
The English Patient | Ondaatje, Michael | GF62-03 | |
Netherland | O'Neill, Joseph | GF62-04 | |
Exit a Dictator | Oppenheim, E. Phillips | GF62-05 | |
Moran Chambers Smiles | Oppenheim, E. Phillips | GF62-06 | |
Matorni's Vineyard | Oppenheim, E. Phillips | GF62-07 | |
The Boy in the Moon | O'Riordan, Kate | GF62-08 | |
The Orchid Thief | Orlean, Susan | GF62-09 | |
The Roofer | Orloff, Erica | GF62-10 | |
Instant Gold | O'Rouke, Frank | GF62-11 | |
A Likeness | Overall, Sonia | GF62-12 | |
the tea house on mulberry street | owens, sharon | ||
The Icarus Girl | Oyeyemi, Helen | GF62-13 | |
My Michael | Oz, Amos | GF62-14 | |
Unto Death | Oz, Amos | GF62-15 | |
My Year of Meat | Ozeki, Ruth L. | GF62-16 | |
The Dive from Clausen's Pier | Packer, Ann | GF62-17 | |
A Shadow without a Name | Padilla, Ignacio | GF62-18 | |
The Celebutantes on the Avenue | Pagliarulo, Antonio | GF62-19 | |
My Father's Glory and My Mother's Castle | Pagnol, Marcel | GF62-20 | |
diary a novel | palahniuk, chuck | ||
Betrayers | Palliser, Charles | GF62-21 | |
The Unburied | Palliser, Charles | GF62-22 | |
conversations with the fat girl | palmer, liza | ||
my name is red | pamuk, orhan | ||
Ikons | Papaellinas, George | GF62-23 | |
Reluctant Odyssey | Pargeter, Edith | GF62-24 | |
The Last Station | Parini, Jay | GF62-25 | |
The Apprentice Lover | Parini, Jay | GF62-26 | |
the apprentice lover | parini, jay | ||
The Frost and the Fire | Park, Ruth | GF62-27 | |
Dear Hearts and Gentle People | Park, Ruth | GF62-28 | |
The Harp in the South | Park, Ruth | GF62-29 | |
the harp in the south | park, ruth | ||
poor man's orange | park, ruth | ||
tell me something | parks, adele | ||
Rapido | Parks, Tim | GF62-30 | |
Destiny | Parks, Tim | GF62-31 | |
Mary, Mary | Parsons, Julie | GF62-32 | |
i saw you | parsons, julie | ||
Men and Wife | Parsons, Tony | GF62-33 | |
Number One | Passos, John Dos | GF62-34 | |
Taft | Patchett, Ann | GF62-35 | |
Amistad | Pate, Alex | GF62-36 | |
suzanne's diary for nicholas | patterson, james | ||
The Would-be Wife | Paviour, Andiee | GF62-37 | |
The Tulip | Pavord, Anna | GF62-38 | |
Working Class Zero | Payne, Rob | GF62-39 | |
The Great Garbo | Payne, Robert | GF62-40 | |
Searching for the Emperor | Pazzi, Roberto | GF62-41 | |
The Girl with the Swansdown Seat | Pearl, Cyril | GF62-42 | |
In the Place of Fallen Leaves | Pears, Tim | GF62-43 | |
stolen | pearse, lesley | ||
I Think I Love You | Pearson, Allison | GF62-44 | |
Family Resemblances | Pei, Lowry | GF62-45 | |
the girl from chartreuse | peju, pierre | ||
Recipe for Life | Pellegrino, Micky | GF62-46 | |
Beaming Sonny Howe | Pelletier, Cathie | GF62-47 | |
The Tenderness of Wolves | Penney, Stef | GF63-01 | |
The Light Fantastic | Pepworth, Barbara | GF63-02 | |
The Nautical Chart | Perez-Reverte, Arturo | GF63-03 | |
The Flanders Panel | Perez-Reverte, Arturo | GF63-04 | |
Captain Alatriste | Perez-Reverte, Arturo | GF63-05 | |
The Reasons I Won't Be Coming | Perlman, Elliot | GF63-06 | SOLD |
three dollars | perlman, elliot | SOLD | |
Breaking and Entering | Perriam, Wendy | GF63-07 | |
Guilty Pleasures | Perry, Tasmina | GF63-08 | |
Land of My Heart | Peterson, Tracie | GF63-09 | |
The French Mathematician | Petsinis, Tom | GF63-10 | |
The Past Present | Petter, Sylvia | GF63-11 | |
A Kingdom by the Sea | Phelan, Nancy | GF63-12 | |
Crossing the River | Phillips, Caryl | GF63-13 | |
The Well and the Mine | Phillips, Gin | GF63-14 | |
over hill and dale | phinn, gervase | ||
The Watcher in the Garden | Phipson, Joan | GF63-15 | |
The Blue Gate of Babylon | Pickering, Paul | GF63-16 | |
Vanishing Act | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-17 | |
Nineteen Minutes | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-18 | |
Plain Truth | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-19 | |
The Pact | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-20 | |
My Sister's Keeper | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-21 | |
Keeping Faith | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-22 | |
Mercy | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-23 | |
Salem Falls | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-24 | sold |
Harvesting the Heart | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-25 | |
House Rules | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-26 | |
Handle with Care | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-27 | sold |
The Tenth circle | Picoult, Jodi | GF63-27a | sold |
harvesting the heart | picoult, jodi | ||
nineteen minutes | picoult, jodi | ||
my sister's keeper | picoult, jodi | ||
the tenth keeper | picoult, jodi | ||
vanishing acts | picoult, jodi | ||
mercy | picoult, jodi | ||
Woman on the Edge of Time | Piercy, Mary | GF63-28 | |
Vernon God Little | Pierre, D.B.C. | GF63-29 | |
Under the Wintamarra Tree | Pilkington, Doris & Garamara, Nugi | GF63-30 | |
House on the Hill | Pinney, Estelle | GF63-31 | |
Burnt Sunshine | Pinney, Estelle | GF63-32 | |
Ride the Volcano | Pinney, Peter | GF63-33 | |
On the Edge | Pitman, Jenny | GF63-34 | |
The Wicked World of Women | Pizzey, Erin | GF64-01 | |
Father to the Man and other stories | Plass, Adrian | GF64-02 | |
The Young Victoria | Plowden, Alison | GF64-03 | |
To Spare the Conquered | Plowman, Stephanie | GF64-04 | |
The Black Cat | Poe, Robert | GF64-05 | |
The Tilted Cross | Porter, Hal | GF64-06 | |
Mr Butterfly | Porter, Hal | GF64-07 | |
Rifling Paradise | Poster, Jem | GF64-08 | |
In the Beginning | Potok, Chaim | GF64-09 | |
Compass Murphy | Potts, Stephen | GF64-10 | |
The Grass Dancer | Power, Susan | GF64-11 | |
In the Memory of the Forest | Powers, Charles T. | GF64-12 | |
The Tempest | Prada, Juan Manuel de | GF64-13 | |
Zoe Trope | Pranbern, Amanda | GF64-14 | |
Glencoe | Prebble, John | GF64-15 | |
Franny, the Queen of Provincetown | Preston, John | GF64-16 | |
Roxanne Slade | Price, Reynolds | GF64-17 | |
The Affirmation | Priest, Christopher | GF64-18 | |
The Glamour | Priest, Christopher | GF64-19 | |
The Other Place | Priestley, J.B. | GF64-20 | |
Nectar | Prior, Lily | GF64-23 | |
The Roaring Nineties | Pritchard, Katherine Susannah | GF64-21 | |
postcards | proulx, annie | ||
Stella Dallas | Prouty, Olive Higgins | GF64-22 | |
Accordion Crimes | Proux, Annie | GF64-24 | |
Dancing with Mules | Prunty, Morag | GF64-25 | |
The Last Time I Saw Jane | Pullinger, Kate | GF64-26 | |
Love Like Hate Adore | Purcell, Deidre | GF64-27 | |
vengeance is mine | purdy, brandy | ||
Lollipop | Pye, Marc | GF64-28 | |
V | Pynchon, Thomas | GF64-29 | |
Black and Blue | Quindler, Anna | GF64-30 | |
One True Thing | Quindler, Anna | GF64-31 | |
Smoked | Quinlan, Patrick | GF64-32 | |
The Rescue Man | Quinn, Anthony | GF64-33 | |
The Ivy Chronicles | Quinn, Karen | GF64-34 | |
Foreign Land | Raban, Julian | GF64-35 | |
Flora's Suitcase | Rabinovich, Dalia | GF64-36 | |
Jack Rivers and Me | Radley, Paul | GF65-01 | |
Trust Me | Rajashree | GF65-02 | |
In the Castle of the Flynns | Raleigh, Michael | GF65-03 | |
Flute | Ramaya, Shona | GF65-05 | |
The Fountainhead | Rand, Ayn | GF65-06 | |
The Great Sky and the Silence | Rand, James S. | GF65-07 | |
The Last World | Ransmayr, Christoph | GF65-08 | |
The Birthing House | Ransom, Christopher | GF65-09 | |
Kanthapura | Rao, Raja | GF65-10 | |
All His Sons | Raphael, Frederick | GF65-11 | |
The Glittering Prizes | Raphael, Frederick | GF65-12 | |
Heroes and other stories | Raslan, Karim | GF65-13 | |
Money for Maria and Borrowed Time | Rasputin, Valentin | GF65-14 | |
A Very English Agent | Rathbone, Julian | GF65-15 | |
As Bad As It Gets | Rathbone, Julian | GF65-16 | |
The Rich Pay Late | Raven, Simon | GF65-17 | |
Come Like Shadows | Raven, Simon | GF65-18 | |
New Seed for Old | Raven, Simon | GF65-19 | |
Sound the Retreat | Raven, Simon | GF65-20 | |
The Marble Kiss | Rayner, Jay | GF65-21 | |
The Cloud Sketcher | Rayner, Richard | GF65-22 | |
Los Angeles Without a Map | Rayner, Richard | GF65-23 | |
the colour of kerosens and other stories | raynes, cameron | ||
The Chronicle of Isaac Quirk | Read, Michael | GF65-24 | |
Knights of the Cross | Read, Piers Paul | GF65-25 | |
Alice in Exile | Read, Piers Paul | GF65-26 | |
story of o | reage, pauline | ||
Rasero | Rebollado, Francisco | GF65-27 | |
Under an English Heaven | Redcliffe, Robert | GF65-28 | |
Upon Dark Waters | Redcliffe, Robert | GF65-29 | |
Peepshow | Redhead, Leigh | GF65-30 | |
Martin Sloane | Redhill, Michael | GF65-31 | |
Tusk | Reed, Bill | GF65-32 | |
Code Cicada | Reed, Warren | GF65-33 | |
Pirates | Rees, Celia | GF65-34 | |
The Floating Brothel | Rees, Sian | GF65-35 | |
The Visitation | Reidy, Sue | GF65-36 | |
Wise Child | Reimann, Audrey | GF65-37 | |
The Kiss | Reines, Kathryn | GF65-38 | |
Don't Try This at Home | Reizin, Paul | GF65-39 | |
Shadows in Paradise | Remarque, Erich Maria | GF65-40 | |
Heaven Has No Favourites | Remarque, Erich Maria | GF65-41 | |
The Night in Lisbon | Remarque, Erich Maria | GF65-42 | |
The Black Obelisk | Remarque, Erich Maria | GF65-43 | |
The King Must Die | Renault, Mary | GF65-44 | sold |
Imago | Rendle-Short, Francesca | GF65-45 | |
The Ring of the Slave Prince | Reuter, Bjarne | GF65-46 | |
Parents Worry | Reve, Gerard | GF65-47 | |
Southland | Revoyr, Nina | GF65-48 | |
Insanity | Reynolds, Anna | GF66-01 | |
Lucie's Long Voyage | Reynolds, Sheri | GF66-02 | |
Memoirs of an Anti-Semite | Rezzoni, Gregor von | GF66-03 | |
Constable at the Dam | Rhea, Nicholas | GF66-04 | |
The Dice Man | Rhinehart, Luke | GF66-05 | |
Paperback Raita | Rhode, Will | GF66-06 | |
Timoleon Vieta, Come Home | Rhodes, Dan | GF66-07 | |
Quartet | Rhys, Jean | GF66-08 | |
Tigers Are Better Looking | Rhys, Jean | GF66-09 | |
Maira | Ribeiro, Darcy | GF66-10 | |
Lives of the Saints | Ricci, Nino | GF66-11 | |
Lovey Mary | Rice, Alice Hegan | GF66-12 | |
Christ, the Lord | Rice, Anne | GF66-13 | |
Poby and Dingan | Rice, Ben | GF66-14 | |
Alis | Rich, Naomi | GF66-15 | |
The Innocence of Roast Chicken | Richards, Jo-Anne | GF66-16 | |
Aussie Pilgrim's Progress | Richards, Kel | GF66-17 | |
Chosen by a Horse | Richards, Susan | GF66-18 | |
Journey to Paradise | Richardson, Dorothy | GF66-19 | |
The Young Cosima | Richardson, Henry Handel | GF66-20 | |
Indulgence | Richardson, Paul | GF66-21 | |
The Truth About Diamonds | Richie, Nicole | GF66-22 | |
Cocksure | Richler, Mordecai | GF66-23 | |
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz | Richler, Mordecai | GF66-24 | |
Solomon Gursky Was Here | Richler, Mordecai | GF66-25 | |
The Insatiable Moon | Riddell, Michael | GF66-26 | |
For Love of a Rose | Ridge, Antonia | GF66-27 | |
Family Album | Ridge, Antonia | GF66-28 | |
Sandstone Gothic | Riemer, Andrew | GF66-29 | |
Total Eclipse | Rigbey, Liz | GF66-30 | |
A Break with Charity | Rinaldi, Ann | GF66-31 | |
The Jukebox Queen of Hearts | Rinaldi, Nicholas | GF66-32 | |
Prisoners | Ripley, Bill | GF66-33 | |
Pinkerton's Sister | Rishforth, Peter | GF68-09 | |
A Book of Days | Rivelle, Stephen J. | GF66-34 | |
Eros and Psyche | Riviere, William | GF66-35 | |
A Venetian Theory of Heaven | Riviere, William | GF66-36 | |
Why She Left Us | Rizzuto, Reiko | GF66-37 | |
Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates | Robbins, Tom | GF66-38 | |
Another Roadside Attraction | Robbins, Tom | GF66-39 | |
From My Sister's Lips | Robert, Na'ima | GF66-40 | |
Where's Morning Gone? | Roberts, Barney | GF66-41 | |
The Flower Boy | Roberts, Karen | GF66-42 | |
North-West Passage | Roberts, Kenneth | GF66-43 | |
A Piece of the Night | Roberts, Michele | GF66-44 | |
Impossible Saints | Roberts, Michele | GF66-45 | |
The Book of Mrs Noah | Roberts, Michele | GF66-46 | |
Flesh and Blood | Roberts, Michele | GF67-01 | |
A History of Insects | Roberts, Yvonne | GF67-02 | |
The Testament of Gideon Mack | Robertson, James | GF67-03 | |
My Dark-Eyed Girl | Robertson, Wendy | GF67-04 | |
A Venetian Affair | Robilant, Andrea | GF67-05 | |
Unnatural Causes | Robinson, Leah Ruth | GF67-06 | |
Gilead | Robinson, Marilynne | GF67-07 | |
gilead | robinson, marilynne | ||
Charlie Big Potatoes | Robinson, Phil | GF67-08 | |
The Best-Kept Secret | Roby, Kimberle Lawson | GF67-09 | |
Camellia Street | Rodoreda, Merce | GF67-10 | |
Spidertown HB | Rodriguez, Abraham | GF67-11 | |
Spidertown PB | Rodriguez, Abraham | GF67-12 | |
the little coffee shop of kabul | rodriguez, deborah | ||
Promised Lands | Rogers, Jane | GF67-13 | |
Retribution | Roget, Robert | GF67-14 | |
The Delinquents | Rohan, Criena | GF67-15 | |
Down by the Dockside | Rohan, Criena | GF67-16 | |
The Book of Wishes and Complaints | Rohan, Zina | GF67-17 | |
The Body's Rapture | Romains | GF67-18 | |
Dixie Chicken | Ronan, Frank | GF67-19 | |
Lovely | Ronan, Frank | GF67-20 | |
Cutting the Rocks | Roper, May | GF67-21 | |
White Heart | Rose, Heather | GF67-22 | |
Touched by a God or Something | Rosenberg, Peter Michael | GF67-23 | |
Elena of the Stars | Rosenthal, C.P. | GF67-24 | |
Quest for Fire | Rosny-Ainé, J.H. | GF67-25 | |
Tamsin Harte | Ross, Malcolm | GF67-26 | |
Split Skirt | Rossi, Agnes | GF67-27 | |
Shanghai | Rotenberg, David | GF67-28 | |
The Ghost Writer | Roth, Philip | GF67-29 | |
The Anatomy Lesson | Roth, Philip | GF67-30 | |
Heaven and Earth | Rothwell, Nicolas | GF67-31 | |
Wings of the Kite Hawk | Rothwell, Nicolas | GF67-32 | |
Fields of Glory | Rouaud, Jean | GF67-33 | |
Tiger Country | Rowe, Penelope | GF67-34 | |
Armed Response | Rower, Ann | GF67-35 | |
Outside, Looking In | Rowntree, Kathleen | GF67-36 | |
The God of Small Things | Roy, Arundhati | GF67-37 | |
The Angels of Russia | Roy, Patricia Le | GF67-38 | |
The Interpretation of Murder | Rubenfeld, Jed | GF67-39 | |
A Five-Year Sentence | Rubens, Bernie | GF67-40 | |
Autobiopsy | Rubens, Bernie | GF67-41 | |
Ballad of the Whiskey Robber | Rubinstein, Julien | GF67-42 | |
Icy Sparks | Rubio, Gwyn Hyman | GF67-43 | |
The Mother Company Conspiracy | Rudd, Greg | GF67-44 | |
Campaign Ruby | Rudd, Jessica | GF68-01 | |
The Dashwood's Grandpa's Selection | Rudd, Steele | GF68-02 | |
Spud | Ruit, John van der | GF68-03 | |
Contract with the World | Rule, Jane | GF68-04 | |
All Men Are Bastards.com | Rushby, Allison | GF68-05 | |
The Enchantress of Florence | Rushdie, Salman | GF68-06 | |
Midnight's Children | Rushdie, Salman | GF68-07 | |
The Moor's Last Laugh | Rushdie, Salman | GF68-08 | |
The Female Man | Russ, Joanne | GF68-10 | |
Nobody's Fool | Russo, Richard | GF68-11 | |
The Divine Supermarket | Ruthven, Malise | GF68-12 | |
The Fairies' Midwife | Ryan, Laurie | GF68-13 | |
Tales from a Hen Weekend | Ryan, Olivia | GF68-14 | |
The Blue Noon | Ryan, Robert | GF68-15 | |
Children of the Arbat | Rybakov, Anatoli | GF68-16 | |
The Burden | Rybakov, Vladimir | GF68-17 | |
The Butterfly Effect | Rygg, Pernille | GF68-18 | |
Family History | Sackville-West, V. | GF68-19 | |
Carry Me Like Water | Saenz, Aliri | GF68-20 | |
A Certain Smile | Sagan, Francoise | GF68-21 | |
Bonjour Tristesse | Sagan, Francoise | GF68-22 | |
The Heart Keeper | Sagan, Francoise | GF68-23 | |
Le Chien Couchant | Sagan, Francoise | GF68-24 | |
Bad Blood | Sage, Lorna | GF68-25 | |
Ali and Nino | Said, Kurban | GF68-26 | |
Flight to Arras | Saint-Exupéry, Antoine | GF68-27 | |
Ileas | Sakkas, Jim | GF68-28 | |
When the Boys Come Out to Play | Salisbury, Ray | GF68-29 | |
Toccata and Rain | Salom, Philip | GF68-30 | |
Ghost Heart | Samartin, Cecilia | GF68-31 | |
SIlken Cords | Sampson, Kate et al | GF68-32 | |
Day of the Bees | Sanchez, Thomas | GF68-33 | |
The Red Carpet | Sankaran, Lavanya | GF68-34 | |
Dark Fire | Sansom, C.K. | GF68-35 | |
The Case of the Missing Books | Sansom, Ian | GF69-01 | |
Love Walked in | Santos, Marisa de los | GF69-02 | |
Wild Young Bohemians | Saunders, Kate | GF69-03 | |
Night Shall Overtake Us HB | Saunders, Kate | GF69-04 | |
Night Shall Overtake Us PB | Saunders, Kate | GF69-05 | |
The House Tibet | Savage, Georgie | GF69-06 | |
Ceremony at Lang Nho | Savage, Georgie | GF69-07 | |
The Honey Makers | Saville, Diane | GF69-08 | |
Capability's Eden | Saville, Diane | GF69-09 | |
Skylegs | Savvides, Irini | GF69-10 | |
Park and Ride | Sawyer, Miranda | GF69-11 | |
Blind Luck | Sayer, Mandy | GF69-12 | |
The Cross | Sayer, Mandy | GF69-13 | |
The Storm-Bringer | Sayer, Paul | GF69-14 | |
The Absolution Game | Sayer, Paul | GF69-15 | |
Desert Fish | Saywell, Cherise | GF69-16 | |
Romey's Place | Schaap, James Calvin | GF69-17 | |
The Madness of a Seduced Woman | Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg | GF69-18 | |
First Nights | Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg | GF69-19 | |
John Company | Schendel, Arthur von | GF69-20 | |
Rhine Journey | Schlee, Ann | GF69-21 | |
Flights of Love | Schlink, Bernard | GF69-22 | |
Guilt About the Past | Schlink, Bernard | GF69-23 | |
Homecoming | Schlink, Bernard | GF69-24 | |
the reader | schlink, bernard | ||
The Stone Angel | Scholes, Katherine | GF69-25 | |
Radiance | Scholz, Carter | GF69-26 | |
Some Faces in the Crowd | Schulberg, Budd | GF69-27 | |
Waterfront | Schulberg, Budd | GF69-28 | |
Sanctuary V | Schulberg, Budd | GF69-29 | |
Zombie Field | Schulz, Mat | GF69-30 | |
so long at the fair | schwarz, christina | ||
Drowning Ruth | Schwarz, Christine | GF69-31 | |
All Is Vanity | Schwarz, Christine | GF69-32 | |
Reservation Road | Schwarz, John Burnham | GF69-33 | |
Plain Seeing | Scofield, Sandra | GF69-34 | |
A Mirror of the Times | Scotland, Andrew | GF69-35 | |
Before I Wake | Scott, John | GF69-36 | |
Night Calypso | Scott, Lawrence | GF69-37 | |
Family Album | Scott, Margaret | GF69-38 | |
Lives on Fire | Scott, Rosie | GF69-39 | |
emma's war | scroggins, deborah | sold | |
The Snakebite Survivors' Club | Seal, Jeremy | GF69-40 | |
The Trotter-nama | Sealy, I. Allan | GF69-41 | |
The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice | GF69-42 | sold |
The Almost Moon | Sebold, Alice | GF69-43 | |
the lovely bones | sebold, alice | ||
the lovely bones | sebold, alice | ||
Oliver's Story | Segal, Erich | GF69-44 | |
The Class | Segal, Erich | GF70-01 | |
The Dark Room | Seiffert, Rachel | GF70-02 | |
Tough, Tough Toys for Tough, Tough Boys | Self, Will | GF70-03 | |
Phrygian Cornflowers | Semyonov, G. | GF70-04 | |
The Solomon Sisters Wise Up | Senate, Melissa | GF70-05 | |
Music for the Third Ear | Senstad, Susan Schwarz | GF70-06 | |
The Roughneck | Service, Robert W. | GF70-07 | |
The Thirteenth Tale | Setterfield, Diane | GF70-08 | |
The Killer Angels | Shaara, Michael | GF70-09 | |
The Three Miss Margarets | Shaffer, Louise | GF70-10 | |
Those Garrison Women | Shaffer, Louise | GF70-11 | |
The High Flyer | Shakespeare, Nicholas | GF70-12 | |
The Search for Galina | Shapcott, Thomas | GF70-13 | |
Hotel Bellevue | Shapcott, Thomas | GF70-14 | |
Wild Animals | Shapero, Rich | GF70-15 | |
Renato's Luck | Shapiro, Jeff | GF70-16 | |
Sunflower | Sharp, Marilyn | GF70-17 | |
Rich Man, Poor Man | Shaw, Irwin | GF70-18 | |
Two Weeks in Another Town | Shaw, Irwin | GF70-19 | |
The Top of the Hill | Shaw, Irwin | GF70-20 | |
Beggar Man, Thief | Shaw, Irwin | GF70-21 | |
Evening in Byzantium | Shaw, Irwin | GF70-22 | |
Five Decades Short Stories | Shaw, Irwin | GF70-23 | |
One Hot Country Summer | Shaw, Rebecca | GF70-24 | sold |
White Lies | Shearston, Trevor | GF70-25 | |
The Best Laid Plans | Sheldon, Sidney | GF70-26 | |
Nothing Lasts Forever | Sheldon, Sidney | GF70-27 | |
Bloodline | Sheldon, Sidney | GF70-28 | |
A Stranger in the Mirror | Sheldon, Sidney | GF70-29 | |
The Naked Face | Sheldon, Sidney | GF70-30 | |
The Stars Shine Down | Sheldon, Sidney | GF70-31 | |
The Doomsday Conspiracy | Sheldon, Sidney | GF70-32 | |
The Sands of Time | Sheldon, Sidney | GF70-33 | |
Rage of Angels | Sheldon, Sidney | GF70-34 | |
Active, Passive, Neutral | Shellens, Jim | GF70-35 | |
The House of God | Shem, Samuel | GF70-36 | |
Half in Earnest | Sheridan, John D. | GF70-37 | |
44 | Sheridan, Peter | GF70-38 | |
Forty-seven Roses | Sheridan, Peter | GF71-01 | |
Ma Polinski's Pockets | Sheridan, Sara | GF71-02 | |
The Man Who Ate the 747 | Sherwood, Ben | GF71-03 | |
The Stone Diaries | Shield, Carol | GF71-04 | |
Larry's Party | Shield, Carol | GF71-05 | |
Unless | Shield, Carol | GF71-06 | |
small ceremonies | shields, carol | sold | |
The Fig Eater | Shields, Jody | GF71-07 | |
And Quiet Flows the Don | Sholokhov, Mikhail | GF71-08 | |
Virgin Soil Upturned | Sholokhov, Mikhail | GF71-09 | |
Sea Glass | Shreve, Anita | GF71-10 | |
All He Ever Wanted | Shreve, Anita | GF71-11 | sold |
Fortune's Rocks | Shreve, Anita | GF71-12 | |
The Pilot's Wife | Shreve, Anita | GF71-13 | |
Strange Fits of Passion | Shreve, Anita | GF71-14 | |
A Wedding in December | Shreve, Anita | GF71-15 | |
The last time they met PB | Shreve, Anita | GF71-15a | |
The last time they met HB | Shreve, Anita | GF71-15b | |
the last time they met | shreve, anita | ||
Double Fault | Shriver, Lionel | GF71-16 | |
the post-birthday world | shriver, lionel | ||
Sex Crimes | Shute, Jennifer | GF71-17 | |
Discord Within the Bar & Sherman for the Plaintiff | Sidney, Benjamin | GF71-18 | |
The Secret Supper | Sierra, Javier | GF71-19 | |
Mr Mao's Travelling Couch | Sijic, Dai | GF71-20 | |
balzac and the little chinese seamstress | sijie, dai | ||
Dancing with the Hurricane | Silver, Leon | GF71-21 | |
Jasper Jones | Silvey, Craig | GF71-22 | |
The Hollow Man | Simmons, Dan | GF71-23 | |
Eleven Houses | Simons, Pauline | GF71-24 | |
Tully | Simons, Pauline | GF71-24a | |
Red Leaves | Simons, Pauline | GF71-25 | |
Road to Paradise | Simons, Pauline | GF71-26 | |
The Summer Garden | SImons, Pauline | GF71-27 | |
Idle Hour in the Country of Hope | Simons, Pauline | GF71-28 | |
the bridge to the holy cross | simons, paullina | ||
the girl in times square | simons, paullina | ||
My Friend Judas | Sinclair, Andrew | GF71-29 | |
Cosmetic Effects | Sinclair, Clive | GF71-30 | |
The Lady with the Laptop | Sinclair, Clive | GF71-31 | |
The Magician of Lublin | Singer, Isaac Bashevis | GF71-32 | |
My Mother's Daughter | Singer, Nicky | GF71-33 | |
The Death of Mr Love | Sinha, Indra | GF71-34 | |
A Blessing on the Moon | Skibell, Joseph | GF71-35 | |
Toast | Slater, Nigel | GF71-36 | |
Constantine | Slaughter, Frank G. | GF71-37 | |
An Isolated Incident | Sloan, Susan R. | GF71-38 | |
Moo | Smiley, Jane | GF71-39 | |
Ordinary Love | Smiley, Jane | GF71-40 | |
An Ornament of Grace | Smith , Jan | GF72-01 | |
The Boy, Adeodatus | Smith, Bernard | GF71-41 | |
The Miracles of Santo Fico | Smith, D.L. | GF71-43 | |
A Song for Mary | Smith, Dennis | GF71-42 | |
I Capture the Castle | Smith, Dodie | GF71-44 | |
A Masculine Ending | Smith, Joan | GF72-02 | |
The Palace of Signs | Smith, Keith | GF72-03 | |
On Beauty | Smith, Zadie | GF72-03a | |
Something Like a House | Snell, David | GF72-04 | |
TIme of Hope | Snow, C.P. | GF72-05 | sold |
Through Open Windows | Snowden, Rita F. | GF72-06 | |
Jasmine Nights | Somtow, S.P. | GF72-07 | |
Grass on the Wayside | Soseki, Natsume | GF72-08 | |
Message in a Bottle | Sparks, Nicholas | GF72-09 | |
the notebook | sparks, nicholas | sold | |
a bend in the road | sparks, nicholas | ||
The Witch of Blackbird Pond | Speare, E.G. | GF72-10 | |
So Many Partings | Spellman, Cathy Cash | GF72-11 | |
Stone Garden | Spence, Alan | GF72-12 | |
To the Manor Born | Spence, Peter | GF72-13 | |
Tug of Love | Spencer, Allie | GF72-14 | |
The Temple | Spender, Stephen | GF72-15 | |
Dunkerley's | Spring, Howard | GF72-16 | |
Our Lady of the Potatoes | Sprott, Duncan | GF72-17 | |
Rainbow's End | St John, Lauren | GF72-37 | |
The Women in Black | St John, Madeleine | GF72-38 | |
Garden of Venus | Stachniak, Eva | GF72-18 | |
how the soldier repairs the gramophone | stanisic, sasa | ||
One Spring in Picardy | Stanley, William | GF72-19 | |
The Salzburg Tales | Stead, Christina | GF72-20 | |
For Love Alone | Stead, Christina | GF72-21 | |
The Fishcastle | Stead, Elizabeth | GF72-22 | |
The Afterlife of George Cartwright | Steffler, John | GF72-23 | |
Ten Articulate Men | Stephens, John | GF72-24 | |
The System of the World | Stephenson, Neil | GF72-25 | |
Big Man's Barbie | Stevens, Leonie | GF72-26 | |
Astraea | Stevenson, Jane | GF72-27 | |
The Young Savages | Stewart, Fred Mustard | GF72-28 | |
The Black Butterfly | Stewart, Kathleen | GF72-29 | |
The Gabriel Hounds | Stewart, Mary | GF72-30 | |
Far Cry | Stewart, Michael | GF72-31 | |
The Dark Pasture | Stirling, Jessica | GF72-32 | |
The Wide Arch | Stivens, Dal | GF72-33 | |
Selected Stories 1936-1968 | Stivens, Dal | GF72-34 | |
The Gambling Ghost | Stivens, Dal | GF72-35 | |
Jimmy Rockett | Stivens, Dal | GF72-36 | |
the help | stockett, kathryn | ||
delta belles | stokes, penelope j | ||
Blue Bottle Club | Stokes, Penelope J. | GF72-39 | |
The Passions of the Mind | Stone, Robert | GF72-40 | |
A Flag for Sunrise | Stone, Robert | GF72-41 | |
Damascus Gate | Stone, Robert | GF73-01 | |
Live Now, Pay Later | Story, Jack Trevor | GF73-02 | |
Something for Nothing | Story, Jack Trevor | GF73-03 | |
One Thousand Chestnut Trees | Stout, Mira | GF73-04 | |
One Good Thing | Stowe, Rebecca | GF73-05 | |
Maybe a Miracle | Strause, Brian | GF73-06 | |
The Painted Garden | Streatfield, Noel | GF73-07 | |
The Gauntlet | Street, James | GF73-08 | |
Tattoos and Motorcycles | Street, Karen Lee | GF73-09 | |
The Scapegoat | Strindberg, August | GF73-10 | |
Amy and Isabelle | Strout, Elizabeth | GF73-11 | |
Lie Down in Darkness | Styron, William | GF73-12 | |
A Many Splendoured Thing | Su Yin, Han | GF73-19 | |
Desperate Hearts | Summers, Katherine | GF73-13 | |
The Love Hexagon | Sutcliffe, William | GF73-14 | |
Accomplice of Love | Sutherland, Titia | GF73-15 | |
Running Away | Sutherland, Titia | GF73-16 | |
A Friend of the Family | Sutherland, Titia | GF73-17 | |
Flying | Sutton, Henry | GF73-18 | |
River of Time | Swain, Jan | GF73-20 | sold |
City of Dreams | Swerling, Beverly | GF73-21 | |
Last Orders | Swift, Graham | GF73-22 | |
Death of a Highbrow | Swinnerton, Frank | GF73-23 | |
Cane River | Tademy, Lalita | GF73-24 | |
Follow Your Heart | Tamaro, Susanna | GF73-25 | |
The Hundres Secret Senses | Tan, Amy | GF73-26 | |
The Kitchen God's Wife | Tan, Amy | GF73-27 | |
Saving Fish from Drowning | Tan, Amy | GF73-28 | |
Black Feather | Tan, Cecilia | GF73-29 | |
Mammon Inc | Tan, Hwee Hwee | GF73-30 | |
Some Prefer Nettles | Tanizaki, Junichiro | GF73-31 | |
Fatal Majesty | Tannahill, Reay | GF73-32 | |
The Seventh Son | Tannahill, Reay | GF73-33 | |
Folly's Child | Tanner, Janet | GF73-34 | |
The Petro-Dollar Takeover | Tanous, Peter & Rubinstein, Paul | GF73-35 | |
the little friend | tartt, donna | ||
the secret history | tartt, donna | ||
Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill | Tasma | GF73-36 | |
In the Red | Tavener, Mark | GF73-37 | |
The American Boy | Taylor, Andrew | GF73-38 | |
The Four Last Things | Taylor, Andrew | GF73-39 | |
English Settlement | Taylor, D.L. | GF73-40 | |
Shadowmancer | Taylor, G.P. | GF73-41 | |
Conversations with Mr Prain | Taylor, Joan | GF73-42 | |
roll of thunder, hear my cry | taylor, mildred d | ||
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry | Taylor, Mildred D. | GF73-43 | |
An Irish Country Village | Taylor, Patrick | GF73-44 | |
the reinvention of ivy | taylor, roberta | ||
Fault Line | Taylor, Sheila Ortiz | GF74-01 | |
Mosquito | Tearne, Roma | GF74-02 | |
Little Hut of Leaping Fishes | Tei, Chiew-Siah | GF74-03 | |
Truth | Temple, Peter | GF74-04 | |
Winter in the Summer Garden | Templeton, Natasha | GF74-05 | |
Tess | Tennant, Emma | GF74-06 | |
Queen of Stones & Alice Fell | Tennant, Emma | GF74-07 | |
Sisters and Strangers | Tennant, Emma | GF74-08 | |
Black Marine | Tennant, Emma | GF74-09 | |
Wild Nights | Tennant, Emma | GF74-10 | |
Tantavallon | Tennant, Kylie | GF74-11 | |
Behind the Moon | Teo, Hsu-Ming | GF74-12 | |
Nocturne | Teran, Lisa St Aubin de | GF74-13 | |
Otto | Teran, Lisa St Aubin de | GF74-14 | |
The Tiger | Teran, Lisa St Aubin de | GF74-15 | |
Joanna | Teran, Lisa St Aubin de | GF74-16 | |
Innocence | Tessaro, Kathleen | GF74-17 | |
Elegance | Tessaro, Kathleen | GF74-18 | |
The Mosquito Coast | Theroux, Paul | GF74-19 | |
My Secret History | Theroux, Paul | GF74-20 | |
February Dragon | Thiele, Colin | GF74-21 | |
High Rising | Thirkell, Angela | GF74-22 | |
Hope Valley War | Thoene, Brock | GF74-23 | |
Sphinx | Thomas, D.M. | GF74-25 | |
A Far Distant Place | Thomas, Danielle | GF74-24 | |
Inside Dope | Thomas, Paul | GF74-26 | |
All My Sins Remembered | Thomas, Rosie | GF74-27 | |
White | Thomas, Rosie | GF74-28 | |
Iris and Ruby | Thomas, Rosie | GF74-29 | |
Moon Island | Thomas, Rosie | GF74-30 | |
Colour of Courage | Thompson, Valerie | GF74-31 | |
The Singing Line | Thomson, Alice | GF74-32 | |
Holy Orders | Thorman, Carolyn | GF74-33 | |
Coyote | Thornley, Richard | GF74-34 | |
Still | Thorpe, Adam | GF74-35 | |
Whispers in Tahiti | Thwaites, F.J. | GF74-36 | |
Mason's Retreat | Tilghman, Christopher | GF74-37 | |
The Longest War | Timerman, Jacob | GF74-38 | |
The Fury | Timms, E.V. | GF74-39 | |
Bono House | Tobin, Betsy | GF74-40 | |
Search the Dark | Todd, Charles | GF74-41 | |
Mothers and Sons | Toibin, Colm | GF74-42 | |
The Story of the Night | Toibin, Colm | GF74-43 | |
Love in a Dark Time | Toibin, Colm | GF74-44 | |
the blackwater lightship | toibin, colm | ||
Final Witness | Tolkien, Simon | GF74-45 | |
Devil on My Shoulder | Tomson, Janet Mary | GF74-46 | |
Pound for Pound | Toole, F.X. | GF75-01 | |
The Neon Bible | Toole, John Kennedy | GF75-02 | |
Ocean of Sound | Toop | GF75-03 | |
Swing Hammer, Swing | Torrington, Jeff | GF75-04 | |
The Fetishist | Tournier, Michael | GF75-05 | |
Number Ten | Townsend, Sue | GF75-06 | |
Adrian Mole, the Prostrate Years | Townsend, Sue | GF75-07 | |
a common loss | tranter, kirsten | ||
Noah's Ark | Trapido, Barbara | GF75-08 | |
The Travelling Horn Player | Trapido, Barbara | GF75-09 | |
Juggling | Trapido, Barbara | GF75-10 | |
The Bridge in the Jungle | Travers, B. | GF75-11 | |
The Rouseabout | Treasure, Rachael | GF75-12 | |
Evangelista's Fan | Tremain, Rose | GF75-13 | |
The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists | Tressell, Robert | GF75-14 | |
Shibum | Trevanian | GF75-15 | |
The Loo Sanction | Trevanian | GF75-16 | |
Triathlon, a Long Day's Dying | Trew, Steve | GF75-17 | |
Lucia, Lucia | Trigani, Adriana | GF75-18 | |
Encore, Valentine | Trigani, Adriana | GF75-19 | |
Big Cherry Holler | Trigani, Adriana | GF75-20 | |
lucia, lucia | trigiani, adriana | ||
After | Tristram, Claire | GF75-21 | |
A Village Affair, A Passionate Man, The Rector's Wife | Trollope, Joanna | GF75-22 | |
Second Honeymoon | Trollope, Joanna | GF75-23 | |
Friday Nights | Trollope, Joanna | GF75-24 | |
marrying the mistress | trollope, joanna | ||
second honeymoon | trollope, joanna | ||
other people's children | trollope, joanna | ||
Bad Twin | Troup, Gary | GF75-25 | |
The Book of Salt | Truong, Monique | GF75-26 | |
The Cure for Modern Life | Tucker, Lisa | GF75-27 | |
Once Upon a Day | Tucker, Lisa | GF75-28 | |
the song reader | tucker, lisa | ||
Wraith | Tulloch, Lee | GF75-29 | |
Fabulous Nobodies | Tulloch, Lee | GF75-30 | |
The Ice Saints | Tuohy, Frank | GF75-31 | |
The Bishop's Mantle | Turnbull, Agnes Sligh | GF75-32 | |
The Amateur Marriage | Tyler, Anne | GF75-33 | |
Digging to America | Tyler, Anne | GF75-34 | |
Ladder of Years | Tyler, Anne | GF75-35 | |
Grandmother Wolf | Tyrrell, Patricia | GF75-36 | |
Before You Sleep | Ullmann, Linn | GF75-37 | |
The Space Between Us | Umrigar, Thrity | GF75-38 | |
Fire from Heaven | Underdown, David | GF75-39 | |
Kristin Lavransdatter | Undset Sigrid | GF75-40 | |
Sacred Hunger | Unsworth, Barry | GF76-01 | |
Pascali's Island | Unsworth, Barry | GF76-02 | |
Losing Nelson | Unsworth, Barry | GF76-03 | |
Morality Play | Unsworth, Barry | GF76-04 | |
morality plays | unsworth, barry | ||
The Boathouse | Upcher, Caroline | GF76-05 | |
Rabbit Redux | Updike, John | GF76-06 | |
Roger's Version | Updike, John | GF76-07 | |
Pigeon Feathers | Updike, John | GF76-08 | sold |
If You Promise Not to Tell | Urban, Andrew | GF76-09 | |
O'Hara's Choice | Uris, Leon | GF76-10 | |
Mila 18 | Uris, Leon | GF76-11 | |
The Angry Hills | Uris, Leon | GF76-12 | |
QBVII | Uris, Leon | GF76-13 | |
Mitla Pass | Uris, Leon | GF76-14 | |
The Underpainter | Urquhart, Jane | GF76-15 | |
The Sudden Spoon | Usher, L.E. | GF76-16 | |
Florid States | Usher, Rod | GF76-17 | |
A Man of Marbles | Usher, Rod | GF76-18 | |
Krumnagel | Ustinov, Peter | GF76-19 | |
Brazil | Uys, Errol Lincoln | GF76-20 | |
Happy Families | Varga, Susan | GF76-21 | |
Th Inland Sea | Varni, Steven | GF76-22 | |
Listen | Veitch, Kate | GF76-23 | |
River with No Name | Verde, Aida | GF76-24 | |
Dancing Backwards | Vickers, Salley | GF76-26 | |
Mr Golightly's Holiday | Vickers, Salley | GF76-27 | |
mr golightly's holiday | vickers, sally | ||
Julian Williwaw, The Judgement of Paris, Messiah, The City & the Pillar | Vidal, Gore | GF76-25 | |
Julian HB | Vidal, Gore | GF76-28 | |
Julian PB | Vidal, Gore | GF76-29 | |
Dark Green Bright | Vidal, Gore | GF76-30 | |
Bengala or Some Time Ago | Vidal, Mary Theresa | GF76-31 | |
Just a Couple of Days | Vigorito, Tony | GF76-32 | |
Toby's Lie | Vilmure, Daniel | GF76-33 | |
The Birthday Present | Vine, Barbara | GF76-34 | |
Love Begins with an A | Vithoulkous, Jeana | GF76-35 | |
Anno Domini 2000 or Woman's Destiny | Vogel, Julius | GF76-36 | |
Orfe | Voigt, Cynthia | GF76-37 | |
Moscow 2042 | Voinovich, Vladimir | GF77-01 | |
The Textures of SIlence | Vorster, Gordon | GF77-02 | |
Are You My Mother? | Voss, Louise | GF77-03 | |
Girl in Hyacinth Blue | Vreeland, Susan | GF77-04 | |
The Third Life of Grange Copeland | Walker, Alice | GF77-05 | |
The Temple of My Familiar | Walker, Alice | GF77-06 | |
One More River | Walker, Brenda | GF77-07 | |
The Pied Piper's Poison | Wallace, Christopher | GF77-08 | |
The Pirate | Wallace, Christopher | GF77-09 | |
The Man | Wallace, Irving | GF77-10 | |
The Seventh Secret | Wallace, Irving | GF77-11 | |
The Guest of Honour | Wallace, Irving | GF77-12 | |
The Word | Wallace, Irving | GF77-13 | |
The Celestial Bed | Wallace, Irving | GF77-14 | |
Paint Out | Wallace, Robert | GF77-15 | |
Splinters | Wallace-Crabbe, Chris | GF77-16 | |
Feral Palit Robin | Wallace-Crabbe, Chris | GF77-17 | |
The Forger | Wallace-Crabbe, Chris | GF77-18 | |
The Pawnbroker | Wallant, Edward Lewis | GF77-19 | |
Puerto Vallarta Squeeze | Waller, Robert James | GF77-20 | |
Old Songs in a New Cafe | Waller, Robert James | GF77-21 | |
The Bridges of Madison County | Waller, Robert James | GF77-22 | |
Border Music HB | Waller, Robert James | GF77-23 | |
Border Music PB | Waller, Robert James | GF77-24 | |
Love in Black and White | Waller, Robert James | GF77-25 | |
Goldeb Grove Unleaving | Walsh, Jill Paton | GF77-26 | |
A School for Lovers | Walsh, Jill Paton | GF77-27 | |
Glace Fruits | Walton, Robin | GF77-28 | |
The Choirboys | Wambaugh, Joseph | GF77-29 | |
The Book of the Dun Cow | Wangerin, Walter | GF77-30 | |
numbers | ward, rachel | ||
The Sopranos | Warner, Alan | GF77-31 | |
big bad blood | warner, dave | ||
The Lost Father HB | Warner, Marina | GF77-32 | |
The Lost Father PB | Warner, Marina | GF77-33 | |
Indigo | Warner, Marina | GF77-34 | |
The Leto Bundle | Warner, Marina | GF77-35 | |
Deep in the Heart | Warner, Sharon Oard | GF77-36 | |
Dina's Book | Wassmo, Herbjørg | GF77-37 | |
Distant Land | Waten, Judith | GF77-38 | |
Scenes of Revolutionary Life | Waten, Judith | GF77-39 | |
Markham Thorpe | Waterfield, Giles | GF77-40 | |
The Long Afternoon | Waterfield, Giles | GF77-41 | |
Billy Liar | Waterhouse, Keith | GF77-42 | |
Scotland Is Not for the Squeamish | Watkins, Bill | GF77-43 | |
Andamooka | Watkins, Wal | GF77-44 | |
Hindustan Contessa | Watson, Jane | GF77-45 | |
Montana 1948 | Watson, Larry | GF78-01 | |
Justice | Watson, Larry | GF78-02 | |
The Kadaicha Sung | Watson, Sam | GF78-03 | |
The Knight on the Bridge | Watson, William | GF78-04 | |
The SIlent Frontier | Watt, Peter | GF78-05 | |
The Stone Dragon | Watt, Peter | GF78-06 | |
The Way of Love | Watts, Nigel | GF78-07 | |
A Spy in the Family | Waugh, Alec | GF78-08 | |
Way of the World | Waugh, Auberon | GF78-09 | |
One of Our Priests Is Missing | Weatherley, W.J. | GF78-10 | |
Blacktown | Weaver, Shane | GF78-11 | |
Midwinter Spring | Webb, John | GF78-12 | |
The Music Lesson | Weber, Katherine | GF78-13 | |
Survival Arts | Wedde, Ian | GF78-14 | |
Symmes Hole | Wedde, Ian | GF78-15 | |
Letters from Cicely | Weiner, Elis | GF78-16 | |
In Her Shoes | Weiner, Jennifer | GF79-01 | |
Goodnight Nobody | Weiner, Jennifer | GF79-02 | |
Onwards and Upwards | Weir, Arabelle | GF79-03 | |
chasing harry winston | weisberg, lauren | ||
everyone worth knowing | weisberg, lauren | ||
the devil wears prada | weisberg, lauren | ||
Chasing Harry Winston | Weisberger, Lauren | GF79-04 | |
The Devil Wears Prada | Weisberger, Lauren | GF79-05 | |
Everyone Worth Knowing | Weisberger, Lauren | GF79-06 | |
The Heart of the Country | Weldon, Fay | GF79-07 | |
D'Arcy's Utopia | Weldon, Fay | GF79-08 | |
Letters to Alice | Weldon, Fay | GF79-09 | |
Godless in Eden | Weldon, Fay | GF79-10 | |
Ya-Yas in Bloom | Wells, Rebecca | GF79-11 | |
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood | Wells, Rebecca | GF79-12 | |
The Cutting Room | Welsh, Louise | GF79-13 | |
The Story of the Year 1912 in the Village of Eliza Darzins | Welsh, Thea | GF79-14 | |
The Camomile Lawn | Wesley, Mary | GF79-15 | |
Second Fiddle | Wesley, Mary | GF79-16 | |
Not That Sort of Girl | Wesley, Mary | GF79-17 | |
Harnessing the Peacocks | Wesley, Mary | GF79-18 | |
This Real Night | West Rebecca | GF80-15 | |
The Fountain Overflows | West Rebecca | GF80-16 | |
The Living Is Easy | West, Dorothy | GF79-19 | |
CHildren of the Sun HB | West, Morris | GF80-01 | |
CHildren of the Sun PB | West, Morris | GF80-02 | |
Proteus | West, Morris | GF80-03 | |
Harlequin | West, Morris | GF80-04 | |
The Second Victory HB | West, Morris | GF80-05 | |
The Second Victory PB | West, Morris | GF80-06 | |
The Shoes of the Fisherman | West, Morris | GF80-07 | |
The Ambassador HB | West, Morris | GF80-08 | |
The Ambassador PB | West, Morris | GF80-09 | |
The Devil's Advocate | West, Morris | GF80-10 | |
The Big Story | West, Morris | GF80-11 | |
The Tower of Babel | West, Morris | GF80-12 | |
Vanishing Point | West, Morris | GF80-13 | |
Rat Man of Paris | West, Paul | GF80-14 | |
The Moneypenny Diaries | Westbrook, Kate | GF80-17 | |
Imaginary Women | Westlake, Michael | GF80-18 | |
Lost Lovers | Wharton, William | GF80-19 | |
Vigil | Wheatley, Nadia | GF81-01 | |
The House That Was Eureka | Wheatley, Nadia | GF81-02 | |
The House Husband | Whitaker, Owen | GF81-04 | |
Triangulation | Whitaker, Phil | GF81-05 | |
Popes and Phantoms | Whitbourn, John | GF81-06 | |
Frost in May | White, Antonia | GF81-03 | |
Mr Nasby | White, Cameron | GF81-07 | |
A Curious Intimacy | White, Jessie | GF81-08 | |
The Tower of Geburah | White, John | GF81-09 | |
Conquerors' Road | White, Osmar | GF81-10 | |
Siberian Light | White, Robin | GF81-11 | |
Typhoon | White, Robin | GF81-12 | |
Poking Seaweed with a Stick ... | Whitelock, Alison | GF81-13 | |
Before I Wake | Wiersema, Robert J. | GF81-14 | |
Eyeless Eden | Wiggins, Marianne | GF82-01 | |
Home Before Dark | Wiggs, Susan | GF82-02 | |
Boomeritis | Wilber, Ken | GF82-03 | |
The Paraguayan Experiment | Wilding, Michael | GF82-04 | |
Great Climate | Wilding, Michael | GF82-05 | |
Under Saturn | Wilding, Michael | GF82-06 | |
Soldiers in Hiding | Wiley, Richard | GF82-07 | |
Perilous Knowledge | WIlkie, Tom | GF82-08 | |
Clash | WIlkinson, Ellen | GF82-09 | |
The Emperor's Bones | Williams, Adam | GF82-10 | |
All Hallow's Eve | WIlliams, Charles | GF82-11 | |
Angel Rock | Williams, Darren | GF82-12 | |
Florence Copley of Romney | Williams, Maslyn | GF82-13 | |
Four Letters of Love | Williams, Niall | GF82-14 | |
as it is in heaven | williams, niall | ||
2007 | WIlliams, Robyn | GF82-15 | |
Jacaranda Years | Williamson, Kristin | GF83-01 | |
Women on the Rocks | Williamson, Kristin | GF83-02 | |
Providence Island | Willingham, Calder | GF83-03 | |
The Epic Voyage of the Seven Little Sisters | Willis, William | GF83-04 | |
The Vicar of Sorrows | WIlson, A.N. | GF83-05 | |
Truth or Dare | Wilson, Anne | GF83-06 | |
Last Year's Broken Toys | Wilson, Barbara Ker | GF83-07 | |
Blueglass | Wilson, Chris | GF83-08 | |
Sacking the Stork | WIlson, Kathy & Webb, Kris | GF83-09 | |
The Mountain of Immoderate Desires | Wilson, Leslie | GF83-10 | |
My Boyfriend's Father | Winch, Ben | GF83-11 | |
The Marriage of TIme and Convenience | Winder, Robert | GF83-12 | |
Dim | Window, Carolin | GF83-13 | |
I Habe Kissed Your Lips | Windsor, Gerard | GF83-14 | |
Heaven, Where the Bachelors Sit | Windsor, Gerard | GF83-15 | |
blue moon | windsor, linda | ||
Happiness Sold Separately | Winston, Lolly | GF83-16 | |
The Riders | Winton, Tim | GF84-01 | sold |
Dirt Music | Winton, Tim | GF84-02 | sold |
dirt music | winton, tim | sold | |
cloudstreet | winton, tim | sold | |
Sajanus | Wishart, David | GF84-03 | |
Faces and Voices | Witting, Amy | GF84-04 | |
In the Flesh | Wolf, Christa | GF84-05 | |
The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine Flake Streamline Baby | Wolfe, Tom | GF84-06 | |
Out of the Blue | Wolff, Isabel | GF84-07 | |
This Boy's Life | Wolff, Tobias | GF84-08 | |
The Trackers | Wongar, B. | GF84-09 | |
Sacred Ground | Wood, Barbara | GF84-10 | |
Dead Ringers | Wood, Bari & Geasland, Jack | GF84-11 | |
Beyond Nab End | Woodruff, William | GF84-12 | |
In Ruins | Woodward, Christopher | GF84-13 | |
The Secret Cure | Woolfe, Sue | GF84-14 | |
Leaning Towards Infinity | Woolfe, Sue | GF84-15 | |
The Caine Mutiny | Wouk, Herman | GF85-01 | |
Don't Stop the Carnival | Wouk, Herman | GF85-02 | |
Beau Sabreur | Wren, P.C. | GF85-03 | |
letters for emily | wright, camron | ||
Clea's Moon | Wright, Edward | GF85-04 | |
The Nature of Love | Wright, Judith | GF85-05 | |
The Outsider | Wright, Richard | GF85-06 | |
Adultery | Wright, Richard B. | GF85-07 | |
A Scientific Romance | Wright, Ronald | GF85-08 | |
The Life of Riley | Wright, Steve | GF85-09 | |
After the Fire, a Still Small Voice | Wyld, Evie | GF85-10 | |
Wise Follies | Wynn-Jones, Grace | GF85-11 | |
Soul Mountain | Xingjian, Gao | GF85-12 | |
One Man's Bible | Xingjian, Gao | GF85-13 | |
The Crocodile Fury | Yahp, Beth | GF86-01 | |
Adele and Co | Yates, Dorothy | GF86-02 | |
The Stolen March | Yates, Dorothy | GF86-03 | |
Red in the Morning | Yates, Dorothy | GF86-04 | |
Social Death | Yates, Renate | GF86-05 | |
Mr Mani | Yehoshua, A.B. | GF86-06 | |
chinese cinderella and the secret dragon society | yen mah, adeline | ||
Harry | Yeomans, John | GF86-07 | |
Much Curious Measure | Yeomans, John | GF86-08 | |
The Art of Love | Ying, Hong | GF86-09 | |
The Piano Teacher | York, Lynn | GF86-10 | |
One Hundred and One Ways | Yoshikawa, Mako | GF86-11 | |
Seduction of Light | Young, Al | GF86-12 | |
Dramatic School | Young, Patricia Don | GF86-13 | |
Cafe Scheherazade | Zable, Arnold | GF87-01 | |
Scraps of Heaven | Zable, Arnold | GF87-02 | |
Sean of Many Returns | Zable, Arnold | GF87-03 | |
The Shadow of the Wind | Zafon, Carlos Ruiz | GF87-04 | |
Donna and the Fatman | Zahavi, Helen | GF87-05 | |
The Thirteenth Houseq | Zameenzad, Adam | GF87-06 | |
Layover | Zeidner, Lisa | GF87-07 | |
Gossip Girl | Ziegesar, Cecily von | GF87-08 | |
The Merchants of Melbourne | Zion, Alfred | GF87-09 | |
the book thief | zusak, markus | ||
emil and karl | glatshteyn, yankev | ||
my sister's keeper | picoult, jodie | ||
fifty shades of grey | james, e l | ||
fifty shades darker | james, e l | ||
animal crackers | tinti, hannah | ||
modjeska lohrey dessaix secrets | |||
hope rekindled | peterson, tracie | ||
deep in the heart of trouble | gist, deeanne | ||
a path toward love | james, cara lynn | ||
playing away | parks, adele | ||
summer of promise | cabot, amanda | ||
perfect happiness | lively, penelope | ||
mother of pearl | haynes, melinda | ||
tara's fortune | o'neill, geraldine | ||
tara flynn | o'neill, geraldine | ||
tara's destiny | o'neill, geraldine | ||
the nanny diaries | kraus and mclaughlin | ||
water for elephants | gruen, sara | ||
the silver darlings | gunn, neil | ||
a troubadour's testament | cowan, james | ||
love, obsession, secrets and lies | short stories bacia et al | ||
the day of the locust | west, nathaniel | ||
people of the book | brooks, geraldine | ||
the witch of exmoor | drabble, margaret |